Jutta Günther Is New Vice President Research

The University of Bremen has a new vice president research. Jutta Günther will enter into office on April 1, 2020. The professor of economics is the successor of the computer science professor Andreas Breiter.

“I am pleased that with Jutta Günther we have found a vice president who will continue the work of her predecessor and set her own accents. In terms of the close connection between research, teaching, and transfer, Jutta Günther will be able to link with the university’s Transfer Strategy, which has been initiated thanks to Andreas Breiter’s excellent work. I would like to thank him for his dedication to the University of Bremen,” says President Bernd Scholz-Reiter.

Building Bridges

Transfer has established itself as an important activity in the fields of research and teaching. The University of Bremen Transfer Strategy, which Jutta Günther wishes to implement, builds the basis. “My aim is to build bridges between the university faculties and the research and transfer partners on campus and in the region so that the interdisciplinary research potential is strengthened. Such potential is needed to answer the important questions of our time and to shape the future.”

Science in Communication with Society

Science needs communication with society, according to Jutta Günther. It is not only about presenting the results to the outside but also absorbing impulses and ideas for your own work: “The university is not acting within a vacuum but is rather embedded within society – local, regional, national, and international. Transfer activities are multifaceted, always research or teaching based, and are not only aimed at the economy. The political, societal, educational, and cultural sectors are important recipients.”

Great Research Makes the University of Bremen Attractive to Students

The new vice president is convinced that “great research strengthens teaching and makes the University of Bremen attractive to students.” Research-oriented master’s degrees build a bridge to scientific career paths and enrich promotion of early-career scientists. As international offers, they can increase visibility at the same time and contribute to the attractiveness of the location in this way. This is what she wants to further promote.

Joint Research in the Humanities and Natural Sciences

As vice president Jutta Günther also wants to promote that there be more research on interdisciplinary topics that connect the humanities and social sciences with the natural and technical sciences. This includes the topics of “sustainability”, “digitalization”, and “climate justice”, for example.



Jutta Günther was appointed professor of economics at the University of Bremen in 2014 and is a member of the Institute for Economic Research and Policy (ierp) within the Faculty of Business Studies & Economics. She is also a faculty member of the Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) and co-initiator of the Bremen Research Center for Energy Systems (BEST). From 2015 to 2019, Jutta Günther was the Faculty of Business Studies & Economics` internationalization officer. Since 2017, she has been a member of the go diverse project advisory board at the University of Bremen. She is also a member of various scientific advisory boards and working groups on a federal level (BMBF, BMWi, Stifterverband). Prior to her time in Bremen, Jutta Günther worked in leading positions at the Leibniz Institute for Economic Research in Halle (IWH). Further stops in her academic career were Jena (habilitation), Oldenburg and Osnabrück (studies, PhD), with study and research stays in the USA, Japan, Norway, and Russia, among others.

Further Information:



Prof. Dr. Jutta Günther

Phone: +49 (0)421 218-60021

Email: jutta.guentherprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de



Jutta Günther
Jutta Günther ist neue Konrektorin