Picture book artist and illustrator Tobias Krejtschi visits Bremen

The picture book artist and illustrator Tobias Krejtschi will be in the Hanseatic city on June 5, 2018. The Bremen Institute of Picture Book Research at the University of Bremen invited him to the workshop talk at 6 p.m. in the Kultur- und Bildungsverein Ostertor (KUBO). Admission is free.

The event takes place in the frame of the Bremen Picture Book Dialogues. The format wants to bring people in front of and behind the books into conversation and provide insights into the work of artists and authors. The Bremen Picture Book Dialogues are a cooperation project between the University of Bremen and various Bremen cultural institutions such as the Bremen Theater, the Kunsthalle and the Stadtbibliothek.

The picture book artist and illustrator Tobias Krejtschi

Born in 1980 in Dresden, Tobias Krejtschi studied illustration in Hamburg. In 2001, he illustrated the book "Wie Hagen Siegfried feig erstach im Odenwald, bei Amorbach", and in 2004 he provided illustrations for the children's CD by Anne Thiel "Lula und das fliegende Bett." Tobias Krejtschi is the winner of the illustration competition announced by the Peter Hammer publishing house in 2006 on the occasion of its 40th anniversary. The picture book "Die schlaue Mama Sambona" (Text: Hermann Schulz), which emerged from the competition, was nominated for the German Youth Literature Prize 2008. During his upcoming visit to Bremen, he will deliver an overview of his previous projects under the title "From Idea to Picture Book".

The Bremen Institute for Picture Book Research (BIBF)

The Bremen Institute for Picture Book Research (BIBF) is part of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Science at the University of Bremen. The centerpiece and communication center is a picture book library with 1,600 books, which is primarily used by students. Together with the Phantastische Bibliothek Wetzlar, the institute awards the picture book prize HUCKEPACK once a year.

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If you would like to know more about this topic, feel free to contact :

Dr. Elisabeth Hollerweger
Bremen Institute for Picture Book Research (BIBF)
Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-69439
Email: hollerwegerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de 

The picture book artist and illustrator Tobias Krejtschi is in the Hanseatic city on June 5, 2018 by invitation of the University of Bremen.
The picture book artist and illustrator Tobias Krejtschi is in the Hanseatic city on June 5, 2018 by invitation of the University of Bremen.