YERUN Cooperation Network: Scholz-Reiter Voted New President

The President of the University of Bremen, Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, has been voted president of the YERUN network – Young European Research Universities. The aim of the 17 universities in 11 countries is to give young universities in Europe a voice as part of the cooperation network.

“I am extremely pleased about the vote and would like to thank the YERUN members for placing their trust in me,” said Professor Scholz-Reiter. “Together we are more visible and can stand up for teaching and research on a European level. Moreover, YERUN is allowing us to strengthen the scientific cooperations within Europe.” The Vice President International and Diversity, Professor Eva-Maria Feichtner, emphasized: “The close cooperation between the universities is extremely valuable in terms of supporting our role as young, research-oriented universities in Europe and in the frame of fulfilling our expectations in innovation and effect based on joint activities.” The YERUN president is chosen every two years at the YERUN general assembly.

YERUN was established in 2015. With its 17 members from 11 countries, YERUN members are universities that were younger than 50 years old at the time of their admittance and were amongst the first 50 universities in the Times Higher Education (THE) Ranking of young universities. The YERUN headquarters are in Brussels.

The following universities are part of the network: University of Bremen, University of Konstanz, Ulm University; University of Antwerp (Belgium); University of Southern Denmark (Denmark); Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Universitat Autonoma de Madrid, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Pompeu Fabra University (Spain); University of Eastern Finland (Finland); Université Paris Dauphine (France); Dublin City University (Ireland); Tor Vergata University of Rome (Italy); Maastricht University (Netherlands); Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal); Brunel University London, and University of Essex (UK).

Further information:


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Scholz-Reiter
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60011
Email: rektorprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Silvia Gomez Recio
Secretary General
YERUN - Young European Research Universities
Phone: +32 479 19 48 54
Email: secretarygeneralprotect me ?!yerunprotect me ?!.eu