Language Learning in Winter

The Language Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen is offering various opportunities for intensive language learning in February and March 2025. The program includes intensive courses for beginners and advanced learners, educational leave offers, and opportunities for autonomous learning.

The program includes intensive courses in nine different languages, including sign language, Spanish, Thai, and many more. The courses last one or two weeks and mainly take place in person, but occasionally also online, for example in the case of Korean or Turkish. They are aimed at students and employees of Bremen's universities as well as external participants. Detailed information on the courses can be found on the SZHB website.

The beginners' courses for Italian, Polish, and Russian as well as the English courses with target level B1 are recognized as paid educational leave in accordance with the Bremen Educational Leave Act. They are aimed at students, university applicants, and all interested parties from Bremen and the surrounding area.

The English courses offered by the Language Center also cover higher language levels and include two-week intensive courses at levels B2 to C1, which can also be used to provide the necessary proof for admission to university.

A brand new addition to the program is a three-day course on pluricultural competence for students of all disciplines. The practical training takes place in English and covers models of pluricultural / intercultural competence, communication styles, and exercises in perspective-taking.

Individual Learning: Tutoring Program, Writer's Help Desk, and Self-Study Center

Guided, yet self-determined – independent language learning is also possible during the lecture-free period, for example in the tutoring program, with the resources offered by the Language Self-Study Center (University of Bremen, GW2), or in the TAPAS tandem program. The Writer's Help Desk offers feedback on English-language texts of all kinds and further help with writing in English all year round. All of these services are free of charge for students at the University of Bremen.

The semester-long language program for the 2025 summer semester starts on 7 April 2025.


Further Information:
Contact via email: szhbprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de




[Translate to English:]
The program includes intensive courses in nine different languages, including sign language, Spanish, Thai, and many more.