Languages Centre Summer Classes

The Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen is offering a diverse online program from July to October 2021. Those who are thinking about refreshing their language skills or even learning a new language are in the right place. Participation is open to all Bremen citizens.

From Chinese, to sign language, to Russian: One to two-week intensive language courses are being offered for 10 languages. They are supervised by teaching staff via a learning platform and video conferences.
The beginners’ classes in Italian, Polish, Russian, and Portuguese, as well as the B1 English course count as educational leave according to the educational leave law in Bremen. The classes are open to students, prospective students, and all those who are interested in Bremen and surrounding areas.

There will also be the chance to improve your English skills on a high level:  The Languages Centre is offering intensive two-week courses for levels B2 to C1, which can also serve the purpose of being proof of language skills for university enrollment.

First Digital International Summer Schools

The International Summer Schools will take place digitally for the first time this year. The two and four-week courses shall be accompanied by several additional offers, including language cafés, writing cafés, and city and campus tours.

Individual Learning Tempo in Tutor Program

A further service on offer is the tutor program, in which languages can be autonomously learnt with individual support. Learning goals, tempo, and materials will be decided upon by the learners together with the tutors.

Feedback for all types of English texts and further support for writing in English is provided by the WRITER’S HELP DESK where you can make an appointment for an individual online consultation.

The accompanying language program for the winter semester 2021/22 will start on October 18, 2022.

Further Information:

Contact via email: szhbprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Anika Müller-Karabil
Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-61993
szhbprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de







Würfel mit Buchstaben
Von Chinesisch bis Russisch: Ein- bis zweiwöchige Intensivsprachkurse werden für zehn Sprachen angeboten