Teacher Education: PORTAL Prize for Creative and Innovative Solutions

Students with a teaching orientation and PhD students can be nominated for the PORTAL Prize until October 15, 2020: The Center for Teacher Education and Education Research wants to honor exemplary dedication during the corona pandemic with the distinction. The prize money amounts to 6,000 euros.

The name PORTAL Prize references the Indian author Arundhati Roy. She created the image of the corona pandemic as a portal through which we can drag our heavy burdens. However, we can also choose to leave them behind prior to passing through. “Future teaching staff are the openers and keepers of portals, innovation motors for tomorrow’s society, as well as multiplicators for our stance regarding future challenges that are unknown today. The crisis has shown who can deal with such challenges in an exemplary manner under difficult conditions,” explains Sabine Doff, director of the Center for Teaching Education and Education Research (ZfLB), with regard to the prize that was established this year.
“That is why the prize is to be awarded to students and doctoral candidates for their outstanding commitment,” adds Marion Brüggemann, manager of the ZfLB. Students and PhD candidates of teacher education can be nominated for an initiative where they developed and implemented innovative impulses for teaching and learning under radically changed conditions. An initiative which would not have been in existence in that form without the corona crisis but is still effective outside of the crisis and has been realized in educational institutes in Bremen and Bremerhaven. The nominees should have played a key role. Self-nomination as well as nominations of others are allowed.
This ZfLB initiative is supported by the following partners: University of Bremen Alumni Network, b.r.m. business resource management Bremen, the Bremen Senator for Science and Ports, and Stifterverband der Deutschen Wissenschaft. The selection procedure will be carried out by a jury comprised of various Bremen institutions and companies under the direction of the ZfLB.

Further Information:

www.uni-bremen.de/portal2020/nominieren (in German only)



Prof. Dr. Sabine Doff
Director - Center for Teacher Education and Education Research
Email: doffprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Phone: +49 421 218 - 68170

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