“Passion.” Is the motto of the 7th Bremer Start-Up Lounge

Passion is essential for start-up entrepreneurs: To be increasingly fascinated by an idea, to be able to motivate and to inspire others. "Passion." is therefore the motto of the 7th Bremer Start-Up Lounge, which takes place on Wednesday, June 6, 2018 at the University of Bremen.

The focus is on the tales and experiences of people who have already taken the plunge and started their own business. They now give others a chance to take a look behind the scenes. The exchange of valuable information about self-employment should give like-minded future entrepreneurs an insight into the "do's and don'ts" in the start-up phase. How did the young start-ups grow? What was the most important support in her eyes? Where was the momentum? What mistakes would they avoid making a second time? In a relaxed yet vibrant campus atmosphere, numerous founders from Bremen's universities report on their experiences in short interviews.

Four Start-Ups introduce themselves

This time the event focuses on four start-ups and their stories: Viktoria Theorahova produces individually tailor-made hoodies with the brand name HUDDY. She has already opened a shop in the Neustadt suburb of Bremen. Joost den Haan develops the “Google Maps” of the underwater world. His company called HyperSurvey has already taken first place in the category “business ideas” in the competition CAMPUSiDEEN 2017. Tin Phan and Christopher Nottrodt offer insights into their start-up Freedom Media. They have set themselves the goal of turning companies into well-known brands. Last but not least, Thorsten Bausch reports on his supermarket of the future called myenso, where the customer determines what is offered.

After the short interviews, there will be the opportunity to talk to the founders and other stakeholders and make new contacts. The venue is room B3009 in building GW2 at the University of Bremen.

The Start-Up Lounge is organized by the university initiative “BRIDGE – founders from Bremen universities” in cooperation with STARTHAUS.


BRIDGE is the central point of contact for students and members of the universities interested in the topic of starting up a business. The sponsors of the university BRIDGE initiative are the University of Bremen, the City University of Applied Sciences Bremen, the University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven and the Bremer Aufbau-Bank GmbH. BRIDGE has set itself the goal of improving the start-up climate at all the participating universities and promoting promising ideas with start-up potential at an early stage.

The STARTHAUS is the central contact point for all potential start-up entrepreneurs and young companies in Bremen and Bremerhaven.

Further information and registration:


If you would like to know more about this topic, feel free to contact:

Meike Goos
UniTransfer / BRIDGE Start-Up Support
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60346
Email: meike.goosprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

“Passion.” Is the motto of the 7th Bremer Start-Up Lounge on Wednesday, June 6, 2018