Manfred Fluß Becomes Sponsor and Honorary Citizen of the University

Manfred Fluß, former Senator, has been named as a Sponsor and honorary citizen of the University of Bremen for his decades of commitment. This is the eleventh time that the university has awarded this honor.

Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter emphasized: “As the Senator for Finance, you have consistently continued your dedication and have offered essential support in the consolidation and further development of the University of Bremen during the 1980s and 1990s. The President also expressly acknowledged Ursula Fluß, who, together with her husband, set up a foundation to benefit the university in 2015. Through the foundation, the couple supports German scholarship holders, scientific conferences, and research projects.

“The designation as honorary citizen of the University of Bremen means a lot to me and I would like to thank all those responsible who contributed to it,” said Manfred Fluß. “I have been associated with the University of Bremen for almost 50 years – initially from 1969 to 1971 as a member of the founding committees of the planning commission for Mathematics and Natural Sciences, then for almost 28 years as a member of the Bremen Parliament in the responsible scientific deputation, and over the last 20 years as chairman of various foundations for the promotion of science and the University of Bremen.” After the difficult founding phase and the first ten years of the University of Bremen’s existence, which were in part even more difficult, an almost unprecedented success story has developed, the honoree emphasized. “Despite very limited funds from the State of Bremen, the university has developed into an outstanding research institution that the people of Bremen take pride in.” He was grateful to have been awarded with this honor.

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Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, President of the University
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-63367 (office)

Three persons smiling
Honour at the summer party (from left) President Prof. Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Manfred and Ursula Fluß.