March for Science: Together for Strong Science

On Saturday, May 4, 2019, the March for Science in Bremen once again calls for people to take to the streets for the value of academic and scientific freedom. The University of Bremen supports the movement and invites everyone who wants to make a strong statement for science to participate!

The March for Science is a worldwide initiative aimed at highlighting the value and importance of science and research and at countering populist tendencies. The initiators in Bremen come from various areas of science and society. Above all, they are committed to objective cross-border cooperation in science and research. This is a necessary prerequisite for coping with global social challenges such as climate change.

Exchange instead of Isolation

The University of Bremen supports the aims of the March for Science. Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, President of the University of Bremen, emphasizes: “It’s important that science takes a public stand. The University of Bremen stands for a pluralistic, cosmopolitan scientific academic, for exchange instead of isolation. Everyone is welcome to participate in this demonstration for science and research as a central part of our society.”

Strengthening Confidence in Science

Professor Andreas Breiter, Vice President for Research at the University of Bremen, is particularly keen to show that society and science depend on each other. “The March for Science is committed to promoting an open exchange of innovative ideas and the best possible solutions to our societal problems. This is an important signal at a time when there is growing skepticism with regard to science. That’s why I’m so happy to be a part of it,” says Breiter.

The demonstration starts at 12 p.m. at Rudolf-Hilferding-Platz, at the Finanzamt Mitte tax office. The closing rally on the market square is planned for around 1:30 p.m. Professor Eva Quante-Brandt, Senator of Science, will give a welcoming address. From the University of Bremen, political scientist Professor Lothar Probst will speak in addition to Vice President Professor Andreas Breiter. Another speech will be given by Fridays for Future Bremen.

Additional Information:  (German only)


Professor Andreas Breiter
Vice President for Research
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-60020
E-mail: kon1protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Logo des March for Science Bremen
Bremen is also taking part in the March for Science again this year.