markstones Institute Established: Marketing Characterized by New Technologies

Professors Christoph Burmann, Maik Eisenbeiß, and Kristina Klein, together with their teams, have founded a new institute in the Faculty of Business Studies & Economics at the University of Bremen. The three marketing experts have called it markstones Institute of Marketing, Branding and Technology.

The aim is to combine and apply expertise in research, teaching, and transfer of learning. The main focus of the various topics the institute will deal with is current technological developments including digitization in particular. Big data is one example. “Companies can now use a very large amount of data to attract customers,” says Professor Maik Eisenbeiß, describing one of the research questions that is closely related to corporate practice. “But how do you handle it effectively?” It goes without saying that personalized advertising must also take the privacy of consumers into account. The institute was opened at the end of November with a celebration. More than 100 guests from the fields of academia and practice attended this celebration, at which renowned marketing professors gave lectures and the planned activities of the institute were presented.

Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and E-Commerce

Big data, artificial intelligence, and e-commerce are also playing an increasingly important role in brand management. This is a matter of identity. “The brand must be authentic. It is counterproductive to present yourself to the customer as young and modern when in reality you’re an old-fashioned and outdated company,” Professor Christoph Burmann explains.

How Do Consumers Behave?

Professor Kristina Klein focuses on the investigation of consumer behavior through experimental research. One of her topics is gamification. By integrating playful elements, a special customer connection can be achieved since the customer’s instinct to play has been satisfied. “Gamification can also have negative effects in a marketing context, for example if consumers are too distracted from the actual information by the game elements.”

Philosophy: Transfer of Learning

“Our research topics come from business administration. Therefore, in addition to customer benefits, we always look at the economic effects for companies,” summarizes Professor Burmann. Consistent transfer of learning is the focus of markstones’ philosophy. “We offer companies concrete solutions, whether in marketing, branding, or when using the latest technologies on the Internet.” Student projects in research-based learning are also closely linked to practice.

Weighty Textbook

The first book has already been published in line with the founding of the institute. Marketing: Grundlagen marktorientierter Unternehmensführung – Konzepte – Instrumente – Praxisbeispiele (marketing: fundamentals of market-oriented corporate management – concepts – instruments – practical examples) is the title of the textbook from publisher Springer Gabler and has just been published in a completely revised 13th edition. According to the publisher, it has been the best-selling marketing textbook in Germany since 1976. Two of the four authors, Professor Burmann and Professor Eisenbeiß, are from the institute.

A video of the inauguration of the markstones Institute can be found here:


Additional Information:


Dr. Michael Schade
Managing director at markstones Institute of Marketing, Branding and Technology
Faculty of Business Studies & Economics
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-66583
E-mail: mschadeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Video of the inauguration of the markstones Institute