Mediation Training: Solving Conflicts Amicably

In January 2020, a 17-month mediation course is starting at the Academy of Continuing Education, University of Bremen. Interested persons can learn more about the contents and aims of the training at three info events from 5p.m. to 6 p.m. on August 21, and September 6 and 17, 2019.

Where there are people living and working together, there is conflict. However, not every argument needs to end in court. Mediation has established itself in the past years as a means of solving legal and other differences amicably. Trained mediators support the process.

Conflict Management as a Key Competence

The practical and theoretically founded training does not only enable one to work as a mediator. “The training as a professional conflict solver is an important key competence in many jobs”, emphasizes program coordinator Astrid Rehbein from the Academy of Continuing Education. Therefore, the part-time offer is not only aimed at legal scholars but also at workers and managers from the fields of economy, politics, education and administration. After successfully completing the course, the participants receive a course certificate with the qualification of “certified mediator”, as per the mediation law.

New: Specialization Seminars for Advanced Participants

In addition to the mediation training, a series of specialization seminars aimed at interested persons with basic knowledge of mediation are now being offered. Special areas of mediation, such as family mediation, mediation in the working world or in schools, form the core focus.

Interested persons can register for the info events with Marlis Glomba: phone: +49 421 218 61622, email: mglombaprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.

Further information:


Marlis Glomba
Academy of Continuing Education
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218 61622
Email: mglombaprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.

People sitting at a table in a seminar room.
There are many areas of work for mediators: for example, conflicts at work, in organizations or in families.