Music and Time: Concert with Singer Anna Depenbusch

What does music have to do with time? A great deal. Norman Sieroka, professor of theoretical philosophy at the University of Bremen, has organized a concert. At 7 p.m. on December 4, improvisations and chansons in the Kulturkirche St. Stephani will focus on the sound of time.

Professor Norman Sieroka, who is also holding a seminar this semester entitled “Zeit-Klang-Hören” (Hearing-Time-Sound), had the idea for a concert evening with sounds and singing. “Time arises in many different forms,” explains Sieroka. “As a physical element, as something perceived, or as a historical time. Time also plays a role in the perception of music. I have been fascinated by this topic for a long time. I not only approach it from perception-philosophy and scientific perspectives in my seminars, but in terms of intellectual history and also artistically.”

Three performers go on a journey through different sound rooms. In the Kulturkirche St. Stephani in Bremen, the songwriter Anna Depenbusch, saxophone player Uwe Steinmetz, and organist Daniel Stockan give a sound to why and how music has something to do with time again and again.
The music spans from classic modern, jazz, and improvisation to chansons and pop. And in alignment with the topic, the performers do not play after one another but rather with one another.

Further Information:

Tickets available at:


Special episode (episode 5) of the Philosophy Meetings podcast together with two of the three involved performers:



Prof. Dr. Dr. Norman Sieroka
Department of Philosophy
Faculty of Cultural Studies
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-67830
email: sierokaprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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