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Network of 18 European Universities Comes to Bremen to Discuss Future Strategy

High-ranking visit to the University of Bremen: Friday, March 16, the University of Bremen is hosting the annual general meeting of the Young European Research Universities (YERUN). The meeting is to discuss further steps of cooperation between the 18 member universities from 12 European countries

The organizers are expecting 40 participants from higher education administrations in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Young, research-oriented universities have been working together under the YERUN umbrella since 2015. At the time of joining, they must be under 50 years of age and listed among the top 100 in the Times Higher Education ranking for young universities. The aim of the science network is to promote teaching and research at European level. The University of Bremen’s Vice President Diversity and International, Professor Eva-Maria Feichtner, traveled to Brussels to attend a kick-off event at the European Union. She is convinced that “Together we reach an audience and can represent the interests of the young universities”. At the meeting in Bremen, the General Assembly will now set its goals for cooperation in the coming year.

The Research Mobility Award

A practical example of how this cooperation can be structured is the YERUN Research Mobility Award. The network announced the call for the first time in December 2017. The Research Mobility Award enables researchers to visit partner universities for two-week periods in order to pave the way for long-term cooperation. The measure is attracting considerable interest. A total of 141 applications were received, 26 of which were successful. For example, the University of Bremen has received guests from Maastricht, Barcelona and Madrid. So far, they have come to visit the Cognitive Systems Lab, the Bremen Spatial Cognition Center and the Leibniz Institute for Material-Oriented Technologies (IWT). In return, a postdoc from the Faculty of Production Engineering has visited the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. 

Training for employees

From March 13 to 15, 2018, the YERUN Staff Training for employees of the participating universities will also take place at the University of Bremen. The theme is Entrepreneurship and Employability. More than 20 participants from the YERUN network will discuss what “employability” means for young research universities and will jointly consider how they can support graduates in their transition to professional practice. Participants will include various career services and representatives of specialist departments and administrations, including BRIDGE, the Bremen University initiative to promote entrepreneurial thinking, start-ups and entrepreneurship.

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If you would like to know more about this topic, feel free to contact:

Dr. Annette Lang
University of Bremen
International Office
Phone: +49-421 218-60361
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