unifreunde and Universities’ New Year’s Reception in the Town Hall

The New Year’s reception of unifreunde e.V. and the two Bremen universities traditionally marks the start of the current academic year. On January 21, representatives of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University will meet in the upper room of the town hall at 6 p.m.

Together with the chairman of the unifreunde association, Professor Bengt Beutler, the mayor will give the opening speech of the evening. Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, President of the University of Bremen, and Professor Michael Hülsmann, President of Jacobs University, will then present their views for Bremen as a science location. The program will be rounded off by economist Professor Lars Hornuf of the University of Bremen, who will talk about the topic of “Bezahlen und Finanzieren im digitalen Zeitalter” (paying and financing in the digital age). The evening will be moderated by journalist Christian Berg.

Following the official part, the unifreunde association will invite guests to make a toast to the 2019 academic year. Once again, guests from politics, business, science, and society will attend the New Year’s reception.

For Editorial Offices: Interested journalists are cordially invited to the unifreunde association’s New Year’s reception.

There are two photo sessions this time:

•    At 5:30 p.m. in the Fireplace Salon on the second floor of the town hall, Mayor Carsten Sieling will welcome the newly appointed professors from both universities.
•    At 5:45 p.m., the traditional photo session in front of the upper room of the town hall will be held. The following people will be there:
o    Dr. Carsten Sieling (Mayor of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen)
o    Professor Eva Quante-Brandt (Senator of Science, Health and Consumer Protection)
o    Professor Bengt Beutler (chairman of the unifreunde association)
o    Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter (President of the University of Bremen)
o    Professor Michael Hülsmann (President of Jacobs University)
o    One newly appointed professor from each university


Julia Pundt
Rector’s Office/Bureau for Rectorate Affairs (Staff Unit 01)
University of Bremen
Phone.: +49 421 218-60116
E-mail: julia.pundtprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Neujahrsempfang der unifreunde in der Oberen Rathaushalle
In a festive atmosphere, the New Year's Reception takes place in the Upper Town Hall. The picture shows Mayor Carsten Sieling at his speech in 2018.