Implementing New Year’s Resolutions – Language Courses at the Foreign Languages Centre

In February and March 2019, the Foreign Languages Centre for the Universities in the Land of Bremen (FZHB) has a range of offers in its program to refresh language skills or even learn a new language. Participation is open to all interested Bremen residents.

New courses for beginners are available for Polish, Russian, and Italian – and for Brazilian Portuguese and Italian there are also courses at level A2. These five-day courses at the University of Bremen provide an intensive introduction to both language and culture and are recognized as educational leave in accordance with the Bremisches Bildungszeitgesetz (Bremen educational leave law).

Intensive Support and Individual Coaching

There is also an opportunity for everyone to improve their English skills efficiently: the FZHB offers two-week intensive courses at the language levels B1 (general language) to C1 (academic and professional English), which can also be used to provide the necessary proof of admission to studies. For those who teach in English, the FZHB offers a one-day intensive workshop in September (lectures, classroom discussions, and student interaction), followed by individual coaching. For further special requests and intensive support, we also offer individual language coaching.

TOEFL Exam in Bremen

If you need an internationally recognized language certificate for English, you can register for the TOEFL exam at the FZHB once a month and prepare for the exam here.
With tutorial support, language skills can also be acquired or refreshed in line with individual learning goals and at your own pace in the context of the tutoring program. It is free of charge for students of the University of Bremen.

Further Information and Online Registration:

Fremdsprachenzentrum der Hochschulen im Land Bremen (Foreign Languages Centre for the Universities in the Land of Bremen)
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-62052
E-mail: fzhbprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Das FZHB hat im Februar und März 2019 viele Angebote im Programm
In February and March 2019, the Foreign Languages Centre for the Universities in the Land of Bremen (FZHB) has a range of offers in its program.