NorShiP Is Launching: Bundled Competence for Cybersecurity and Data Protection

Cybersecurity and data protection are among the most important topics of our time. The Bremen initiative NorShiP, in which the University of Bremen is involved, will in future bundle the areas of competences for research and education in northern Germany.

The abbreviation NorShiP stands for “North-German Research School for Information Security, Computer Forensics and Privacy.” The initiative starts its work with a public event on Wednesday, 6 November (6 p.m., free admission) in the Handwerkskammer Bremen. “It is our goal to bundle the diverse north-German competencies on topics related to the development and use of secure IT,” says Dr. Dennis-Kenji Kipker of the Institute for Information, Health and Medical Law (IGMR). He’s coordinating the initiative. “As a kind of ‘cybersecurity and data protection lighthouse’ in the north, we want to realize common ideas and projects – and with public impact at that!

In addition to the IGMR, the Technology Center Informatics and Information Technology (TZI) and the Group of Computer Architecture (AGRA) are also involved on the side of the University of Bremen. Other partners from the Hanseatic city are the City University of Applied Sciences (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science), the German Aerospace Center (DLR) with its Bremerhaven Institute for the Protection of Maritime Infrastructures, and the Bremen/Oldenburg regional office of the Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik (Association of electrical, electrical engineering, and information technology (VDE)).

Senator Assumes Patronage

“I consider the activities in this socially relevant area to be very important. I am delighted that Bremen’s players are pooling their expertise here in a targeted manner and thus contributing to cybersecurity and data protection becoming one of the scientific flagships of our federal state,” says Bremen’s Senator for Science, Ports, Justice, and the Constitution, Dr. Claudia Schilling. She is the patron of the initiative.

NorShiP not only develops innovative and interdisciplinary teaching and learning opportunities as well as opportunities for part-time and research-related training and continuing education, but also creates interfaces for the regional Bremen IT industry. For example, students from various courses of study at universities in Bremen – especially in Law and Computer Science – can take part in excursions to IT companies and research institutions in Bremen and the surrounding area and get an idea of the work on site.

The network of experts created between researchers, practitioners, and students provides valuable contacts for professional orientation and cooperation with Bremen’s business enterprises, and also opens up new career paths and entry opportunities for various professions in IT.

Annual Summer School Planned

An annual interdisciplinary summer school is also planned, initially for prospective lawyers and computer scientists. “We want to overcome existing boundaries in the various subject areas by getting to know and understand them better, getting enthusiastic about the future topics of cybersecurity and data protection even outside the lectures,” says Dennis-Kenji Kipker, explaining the approach. Last but not least, the bundling of local competences also leads to greater visibility in the German research landscape, because NorShiP, with its comprehensive specialist interfaces, always has the right partners on board for many conceivable constellations of scientific bids for funding.

Additional Information:


Dr. Dennis-Kenji Kipker
Institute for Information, Health and Medical Law (IGMR)
University of Bremen
Tel.: 49-421-2186-6049
E-mail: kipkerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


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The Bremen initiative NorShiP bundles research and training on cybersecurity and data protection. The Senator for Science, Ports, Justice, and Constitution, Dr. Claudia Schilling (center) – seen here with the project participants – has assumed patronage. Photo: Sebastian Rösener, State Department for Science, Ports, Justice, and Constitution.