Online Lecture Series on “Sensory Materials”

Everything is online thanks to corona: The Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science and Faculty of Production Engineering at the university and also the Fraunhofer IFAM have, for the first time, designed the interdisciplinary “Sensory Materials” lecture series online and opened it to the public.

PD Dr. Stefan Bosse (Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science – University of Bremen) and Dr.-Ing Dirk Lehmus (Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Material – IFAM) are responsible for organizing the lecture series. Those giving talks are part of the German Research Foundation’s (DFG) Research Unit 3022 Ultrasonic Monitoring of Fibre Metal Laminates Using Integrated Sensors. The unit comprises scientists from the University of Bremen, the Faserinstitut Bremen (FIBRE), the Leibniz-IWT in Bremen, the TU Braunschweig, the German Aerospace Center in Braunschweig, and the Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg.

“Feeling” Materials Form the Core

In the frame of the series, an overview of the researchers’ work on the topic of sensory materials with application in damage recognition and assessment in hybrid materials (fiber-metal-laminates) will be provided. Sensory materials are those that can actually “feel”. They collect data regarding their own condition or their surroundings, process said data, and use the information gained in an internal manner or communicate it outwards.

The required competences span from the basic natural sciences to material sciences and computer science. Production engineering, microsystem technology, and systems engineering are important links for the collaboration of components and the realization of products.

Sensors Are Increasingly Part of Daily Life

The application fields are diverse and include robotics, structural monitoring, or daily life. A number of sensors with increasingly large computational capacities already support us in day-to-day products, such as mobile phones and cars. This development will progress further, and sensory materials will play a part in this. The lectures shed light on central aspects of this vision – starting with the foundation technologies and ranging to significant fields of application.

The series has been designed as an interregional lecture series. All interested persons can take part and see/hear the lectures. You can find the online lecture series here:


PD Dr. Stefan Bosse
Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science
University of Bremen
DFG Research Unit 3022


Finger auf Wasser
The interdisciplinary “Sensory Material” lecture series designed digitally for the first time and open to anyone who is interested. © DFG Research Unit 3022