OPEN CAMPUS: Experiencing Science with all Senses

From 2 p.m. onwards on June 15, 2019, the University of Bremen is opening its doors for the fourth time for OPEN CAMPUS. Some of the events on offer include short talks, tours and a poetry slam. Namika and Megaloh, two stars of the German music scene, will perform in the evening.

“Open Worlds – Share Knowledge” is the motto of OPEN CAMPUS at the University of Bremen. Everyone who has always wished to take a look behind the scenes of this large teaching and research institute is invited. Faculties and institutes are presenting a whole host of fun-filled information events. From a short course in Chinese to simulating the emergence of volcanoes, there are many opportunities to get involved and learn. There will also be the chance for interested parties to be advised on the topics of degree spaces and applications and also the apprenticeships and work experience available. Varied catering is on offer throughout the day.

Events for Children: Crafts, Research, Awe

There are events for our young guests at the Children’s Campus. How do fossils end up in stones? How does a ball fly when it is in the orbit of a satellite and not on earth? Children can find this and much more out with playful research in workshops. There are many participator events, in which they can learn secret code or print their own-programmed pattern onto fabric bags. Anyone who wishes to can have their favorite scientific motif airbrush-tattooed as a special souvenir. The children can expect a balloon artist, face painting and a marquee with an arts and crafts corner. A bouncy castle and a goal wall will give them the chance to let off some steam.

Big Stage Events with Megaloh and Namika

The evening program begins with a poetry slam on the big stage at 5.30 p.m. The uni will subsequently present two stars of the German hip-hop scene. The Berlin rapper Megaloh will begin his show at 7 p.m. He is said to be an exceptional artist with a certain profoundness. The headliner is the singer Namika. Her breakthrough came in 2015 with her song “Lieblingsmensch”. The single “Je ne parle pas français” from her current album “Que Walou“ was a number one hit. Stunnah and DJ Smiles will then turn up the heat with their beats until the campus vibrates.

Registration Required for Tours and Children’s Campus

As the Children’s Campus laboratories and the tours only allow for a restricted number of participants, it is advised to book the free tickets by 12 p.m. on Saturday, June 15 online. Remaining tickets can be obtained from Nordwestticket at the info stand on site. Detailed program and tickets:

Further information:


Julia Pundt
Office for Project and Event Management
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60116
Email: julia.pundtprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de