Register now! University of Bremen Summer Academy for High-school Students 

From the 2nd to 6th July, 2018, senior high-school students (gymnasiale Oberstufe) once again have the opportunity to gain first-hand experience of science and research. It’s possible to register up to 15th June. The event is supported by the Sparkasse Bremen banking institute.

Members of the University’s renowned teaching faculty will be on hand to assist the participants in carrying out research assignments and their own independent laboratory experiments. Throughout the week, the high-school students will be able to use the University‘s facilities to research topics in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Applied Mathematics and Industrial Mathematics, Media Studies, Political Science, Quantum Physics, and Environmental Research. The various facilities are located in the University institutes as well as at the Fraunhofer MEVIS – Institute for Medical Image Computing and the German Aerospace Center – Institute of Space Systems (DLR). To round off the event, on Friday 6th July a plenum presentation of the participants’ projects will be held in the Conference Center of the Sparkasse Bremen (Am Brill 1-3, 28195 Bremen).

More information: (in German only) 

If you would like to know more about this topic, feel free to contact:

Dr Jennifer Uhlig-Herrmann 
Cooperation University-School 
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218 60393
Email: schuleprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Junge steht vor dem Bildschirm. Ein weiterer schaut ihm zu
During the summer break, the University of Bremen is once again offering senior high-school students the opportunity to gain first-hand experience of science and research.