Researching Society Together

In the citizen science project “GINGER – Researching Society Together,” citizens and academics are jointly conducting research on the topic of social cohesion. The local project meetings will begin on September 29, 2022, in Klub Dialog. Those interested are invited to participate.

The citizen science project “GINGER – Researching Society Together” is exploring questions about social cohesion. In keeping with the spirit of citizen science, research for this project is being carried out with members of the community. “By actively involving citizens in the research process, social phenomena can be examined in a completely new way,” says project leader Dr. Julia Gantenberg. “And the social sciences are active where they belong: right in the middle of society.”

The GINGER project is aimed at anyone interested in societal issues and social science research. Within the framework of the GINGER project, it is possible to develop your own research questions as a social researcher, to collect data yourself, and to evaluate and analyze this data in dialogue with scientists, as well as to exchange ideas with other interested parties on topics surrounding social cohesion. Through this collaboration, participants learn the basics of the social sciences and gain knowledge about the role social sciences play in society. This promotes confidence in science.

Start of Local Project Meetings in Person

Due to the pandemic, project meetings have so far only been held digitally. In-person local project meetings will now begin on Thursday, September 29, 2022, in Bremen, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at KLUB DIALOG (Am Deich 86, 28199 Bremen). Additional project meetings will take place on the last Thursday of the month from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in KLUB DIALOG until the end of February.

Citizen Science Project GINGER Federally Subsidized

The citizen science project GINGER is one of 15 projects nationwide funded until the end of 2024 by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The University of Bremen’s Centre for Labour and Political Education (zap) is responsible for the project, which is being carried out in collaboration with local social and educational institutions. There is a scientific link to the Germany-wide research institute for social cohesion (Forschungsinstitut Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt (FGZ)).

About zap

The Centre for Labour and Political Education (zap) stands for science with social responsibility. Democratization, codetermination, changes in the world of work, and migration are its central spheres of action. In close cooperation with the Arbeitnehmerkammer Bremen (Chamber of Employees), zap has an impact on society and takes up the current challenges of coexistence. The aim is to open up the university through practical research, setting-based knowledge transfer, and democratically strengthening (further) education and coaching offers. The close connection between science and society – in addition to research and teaching – has been an established practice at zap since its founding in 1971.

Further Information:



Dr. Julia Gantenberg
Centre for Labour and Political Education (zap)
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-56711
Email: gantenbergprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Rush hour
In the citizen science project “GINGER – Researching Society Together,” citizens and academics are jointly conducting research on the topic of social cohesion.