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Researching Society Together – Project on Societal Solidarity

What do we believe “societal solidarity” means? What meaning does it have in our day-to-day lives? There are some of the questions that the citizen research project “GINGER – Gemeinsam Gesellschaft erforschen,” which is led by the Centre for Labour and Political Education (zap), asks.

Together with local social and education facilities, the project “GINGER – Gemeinsam Gesellschaft erforschen” (GINGER - Researching Society Together) wishes to address matters such as which role crises play in how we treat each other, if we feel more closely connected, or if a feeling of inequality dominates.
The social science Citizen-Science-Project GINGER will be funded by the Federal ministry of Education and Research for four years as one of 15 national projects.

Research at Eye Level

In the project, citizens will carry out research together with scientists concerning the current topic of societal solidarity.

It is also about including the citizens’ perspectives when scientifically analyzing the matter of solidarity in society. They will learn how to collect data themselves and how to interpret and analyze said data in consultation with the researchers. “Both sides will profit from this,” explains the project manager, Dr. Julia Gantenberg, when speaking about the scientific approach with citizens. “The research will be expanded by the citizens’ perspectives and the citizens will build on their competences in research.”

GINGER is being led by the Centre of Labour and Political Education (zap) at the University of Bremen and is being carried out in cooperation with local social and education facilities. The project is scientifically linked to Forschungsinstitut Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt (FGZ) (the national research institute in Germany for solidarity in society).

About zap

The Centre for Labour and Political Education (zap) stands for science with social responsibility. Democratization, codetermination, change in the working world, and migration are central fields of zap’s work. In close cooperation with the Bremen Chamber of Employees, zap operates within society and addresses the current challenges of life together. The aim is to open the university with hands-on research, reality-based knowledge transfer, and democracy-strengthening (advanced) training and coaching services. The close connection between science and society has been – alongside research and teaching – a lived practice at zap since its establishment in 1971.

Further Information: (in German only) (in German only) (in German only)



Dr. Julia Gantenberg
Centre for Labour and Political Education
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-56711
Email: gantenbergprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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