School Pupils Bring Pepper the Robot into Play

Robots that relieve you of all day-to-day tasks – many people dream of such intelligent helpers. When will you never have to tidy your room again or hoover? During a summer vacation workshop from the “smile” project, school pupils from grades 7 to 9 can have fun getting creative.

A two-day project is being held from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 10, and Thursday, July 11, 2019. The pupils will be designing their own robots in the Robotics Innovation Center at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence, ECOTEC 5, Am Fallturm 1, of the Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science. “My Smart Robot: Bring Pepper into Play” (Mein smarter Roboter: Bring Pepper ins Spiel) is the name of the free-of-charge offer, which still has open spaces. The smile team will be programming a game, which can be played on cell phones, with Pepper the robot as the main character. The participants can learn interesting facts about the University of Bremen during a scavenger hunt on campus. Prior knowledge is not required.

About the smile Project

The proportion of women in computer science degree programs and jobs is around 20 percent in Germany and is still, as it always has been, very low. This is a shame as IT jobs offer long-term, secure perspectives and above earning potential. Smile has made it their mission to show girls and young women these opportunities and to permanently increase the proportion of women in computer science. Based on the highly current, social topic of smart surroundings, such as intelligent living spaces, autonomous robots and their research foundations, an attractive way-in to computer science topics for young women and girls should be created and continually supported. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding this project.

Information and registration: (in German only) (in German only)


Sabine Veit
Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science
Phone: +49-421-218-64005


display of a smartphone with a robot
The workshop guarantees creative fun with Pepper the robot