Start of the 2019 Bremen “Kinder-Uni”

This spring, the Bremen “Kinder-Uni” (children’s university) invites schoolchildren between the ages of eight and 12 to discuss exciting research questions with scientists. The events take place during the winter break and Easter vacation as well as in the last week of March.

Throughout the year, the University of Bremen regularly hosts a variety of events for schoolchildren. The “Kinder-Uni” has been a special highlight for over ten years now. This year the popular event formats of the series will take place in three blocks: on January 31 and February 1 (winter break) and on April 16 and 17 (Easter vacation) schoolchildren can become junior researchers themselves in workshops. From March 25 to 27, entire classes in grades three to six will also have the opportunity to listen to lectures. These are prepared and held especially for the schoolchildren by scientists.

Insight into Many Scientific Fields

Exciting research is carried out at the University of Bremen in the natural sciences, engineering sciences, humanities, and social sciences departments. This is reflected in the program of this year’s “Kinder-Uni.” During the event, children can expect a “physics circus” and lectures on the sustainability of chocolate and the role of English as a global language. In the workshops, the children program robots, develop ideas for a just village community in a “Demokratiewerkstatt” (democracy workshop), and explore where colors come from.

The “Kinder-Uni” is organized by the University-School Outreach Office at the University of Bremen. The individual lectures and workshops are contributed by numerous committed scientists from the university and the institutes in the technology park.

Registration and Tickets

Tickets for the workshops will be available from Tuesday, January 8, 2019, for two euros at all advance booking offices and via the “Kinder-Uni” website at Teachers and their school classes can register for the lectures between January 14 and 16. This is also possible via the “Kinder-Uni” website. If, as in previous years, there are more registrations than places available for the lectures, the class that can participate will be decided by a random draw.

Additional Information:

Isabell Harder
UniTransfer Unit – University-School Outreach Office
University of Bremen
E-mail: isabell.hardervw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Phone: +49 421 218-60393

Mädchen und Jungs werden bei der Kinder-Uni selbst zu Nachwuchsforschenden
At the “Kinder-Uni,” schoolchildren become junior researchers themselves.