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University Sport Facilities: School Sports Can Take Place

The University of Bremen’s sport facilities can be used as usual. “The normal training, sport and school activities in the sports halls should be possible in the fall and winter”, stated Dr. Martin Mehrtens, Director of Finance and Administration at the university.

Despite the need for restructuring of the air conditioning, ventilation and heating system, the teaching of sport and sports training is currently not affected as the required exchange of air is given due to other temporary aid measures that have been applied. A provisional heating and ventilation plan for the fall and winter is being constructed at the moment. A type of marquee heating system will be installed so that the school and team sports can definitely take place in the university sports halls.

As the bleacher area will be required for the necessary relocation of the ventilation and heating pipes, sporting events with an audience will not be possible.


Hans-Joachim Orlok
Administrative Department 4 – Technical Administration and Buildings
University of Bremen
Phone: +49-421 218-60600
Email: orlokprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Luftaufnahme der Sportstätten