Learn Languages This Winter

The Foreign Languages Centre for the Universities in the Land of Bremen (FZHB) is offering various courses where you can learn a new language, refresh your language skills or take exams in the coming months.

The offer encompasses language courses in nearly 20 languages, which include subject-related English courses (technology, economy, natural and social sciences) with the chance to acquire a B2 or C1 certificate.

Close Supervision and Individual Coaching

There are opportunities to improve the written art of expression through individual coaching, especially for academics and the employed who must write a great deal in English.

Individual support from tutors for autonomous language learning is offered via the tutor program, which is free-of-charge for University of Bremen students. The opportunities also include weekly free-of-charge language cafes in nine languages. They give participants the chance to speak the language in comfortable surroundings.

TOEFL Exam and Italian CILS Exam

If you need an internationally recognized English language certificate, then you can register at the FZHB for the monthly TOEFL exam. You can also take part in a 5-week preparation course.

Italian language skills can also be certified at the FZHB. On December 3, 2019, interested parties can take the internationally recognized CILS exam from the University of Siena at their desired language level (A1-C2). Registration is open until October 23, 2019. A CILS exam information event will take place on October 15, 2019, at 6 p.m. at the university (GW2, room 4170).

Further information and online registration:




Foreign Languages Centre for the Universities in the Land of Bremen (FZHB)
University of Bremen
Phone: + 49 421 218-61990
Email: fzhbprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

A student in the work place.
The FZHB offers a diverse range of activities for language learning, the refreshing of foreign language skills, and taking examinations for vocational purposes or degrees.