Bremen State and University Library Offers On-Site Services Again

Students can borrow literature for the digital summer semester from the SuUB headquarters again. There and at the Juridicum library, essays can be copied and scanned. The Bremen and Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and the University of the Arts Bremen offer a collection service.

On May 4, the Bremen State and University Library (SuUB) reopened its headquarters on the university boulevard and the Juridicum site for restricted usage, as decided upon with the University Executive Board and the state secretary for education, Tim Cordßen. From 12 to 6 p.m. Mondays to Fridays, you can only loan printed literature from the open access holdings via the self-booking systems, fetch ordered books, or make copies and scans at the SuUB headquarters on the Bremen University campus. Contactless returning of loaned media is also possible.

Restricted Access to SuUB and Juridicum Library

In the Juridicum library, the non-lending collection is available for copying and scanning. Entry to the headquarters is restricted to a maximum of 50 people. Only a maximum of 20 people are allowed in the Juridicum library. The length of stay is restricted to one hour at both locations and a security company is ensuring controlled access.
The library is not open as a learning space. Researching time at the computer pool in the headquarters is limited to 45 minutes. No personal consultations are currently taking place; however, staff are happy to help via email or phone.

Large Number of Databases

The library has temporarily licensed more than 40,000 additional e-books, e-journals, and full text database systems and added them to their catalogue in the past weeks. The access to both the Juris and Beck-Online full text databases from home offices was set up for law students. Furthermore, the SuUB established a copy delivery service for scientists and state examination candidates and also developed webinars to support users.
But not everything works online: The roughly 67 million electronic resources that have been made available by the SuUB cannot entirely replace the printed works.

Hygiene Regulations and Avoidance of Queues

Based on the national and state regulations made based on the coronavirus pandemic, libraries are able to be reopened under adherence to the strict regulations concerning hygiene, access controls, avoidance of queues, and keeping a distance.
All visitors are asked to wear mouth-nose-coverage in the libraries.

Information on the SuUB Non-Central Locations

Departmental libraries on the university campus: Juridicum: Open Mon-Fri from 12 to 6 p.m. for max. 20 visitors. Entry only possible on the hour for a max. duration of 1 hour

Departmental libraries on the university campus: Economics: Closed until further notice

Departmental libraries on the university campus: Physics/Electrical Engineering: Closed until further notice

Libraries for Engineering and Social Studies and Economics and Nautical Sciences at the Bremen University of Applied Sciences: Email orders to

hochschulbibliothekenprotect me ?!suub.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de, issuing by appointment and returning on Mon-Fri from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Library Bremerhaven at the Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences (from May 11): Email orders to

tb-bhvprotect me ?!suub.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de, issuing and returning by appointment

Music library at the University of the Arts Bremen: Email orders to

tb-musikprotect me ?!suub.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de, issuing and returning by appointment

Art library at the University of the Arts Bremen: Email orders to tb-kunstprotect me ?!suub.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de, issuing and returning by appointment


The universities in Bremen and Bremerhaven are carrying our teaching and examinations during the summer semester in a digital manner as far as is possible. Students should not linger on campus. Unavoidable face-to-face examinations and laboratory classes are the exception. Please make use of the online offers and avoid coming onto the university campus.

Further information:


Anke Winsmann

Public Relations Officer
Bremen State and University Library (SuUB)
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-59572
Email: oeffentlichkeitsarbeitprotect me ?!suub.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de




Absperrbänder in der Bibliothek