Indoor Pool Expected to Reopen on October 8

The University of Bremen is expected to reopen the indoor pool on campus at the beginning of next week. The chlorine dosing system in the building was defective. The pool therefore had to be closed at the end of July for operational and health reasons.

Overall, the building and its infrastructure from the 1970s are in need of renovation. Due to the discontinuation of the sports degree course a few years ago, the university no longer has any financial resources available for the current and future repair costs and the repair of the sports facilities. However, the closure did not have any effect on the study program. All sports students have completed their degrees in the meantime. The university pool is available to other users on campus. It is operated by Bremer Bäder GmbH. “If the new chlorine dosing system is installed without any problems, we assume that the indoor pool will soon open again,” says Hans-Joachim Orlok, Head of Technical Administration and Buildings at the University of Bremen.

The Verein für Hochschulsport (VfH) e. V. had filed an application for a temporary injunction against the closure of the pool with the administrative court in Bremen. In this summary proceeding, the VfH obtained that the currently pending renovations had to be carried out by the university and that the indoor pool should be reopened on October 8, 2018. A final decision will be made in the main proceedings currently under way.

Additional Information:

Hans-Joachim Orlok
Administrative Department 4 – Technical Administration and Buildings
University of Bremen
Tel..: +49 421 218-60600
E-mail: orlokprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Doors to the pool
The entrance to the Swimming pool