University of Bremen Conferences in January 2020

School is the main focus: How one can create modern spelling lessons and what role does fear plays in math lessons – those are the topics of two conferences at the University of Bremen in January 2020.

“New Means of Orthography Acquisition. Research – Teaching – Reflection” (Neue Wege des Ortografieerwerbs. Forschung – Vermittlung – Reflexion) is the title of the conference that the orthography acquisition research project (FORTE – Forschungsprojekt Orthografieerwerb) will be holding within the faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies at the University of Bremen from January 17th – 18th. In times of coexistence of lessons created digitally and non-digitally, the goal of the event is the discussion of questions and findings surrounding the didactic research on German orthography, both in theoretical and practical applications. FORTE, along with the conference participants, hopes to contribute to modern spelling lessons. Location: University of Bremen, SFG building, room 2040. Further information: . Contact: Alina Pawlowski, phone: + 49 (0)421 218-68223, email: FORTE-Tagung2020protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.

What role does fear play in math lessons and how can one deal with it? What options are there for increasing pupils’ motivation in math? Questions like these and many others will be discussed at the PsychMath 2020 student conference, which will take place at 10 a.m. on Thursday, January 23, 2020, in the MZH building at the University of Bremen. Under the direction of Professor Maike Vollstedt, teacher-training students from the field of math have organized the conference and will be presenting posters and talks on the above-stated topics. All interested parties are welcome. Please register for the conference by January 17, 2020, at . Further information: . Contact: Professor Maike Vollstedt, Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Sciences, phone: +49 (0)421 218-59861, email: vollstedtprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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