University of Bremen Conferences in July 2019

Gender research in Turkey, the digital world of work and English linguistics are the topics that are on the University of Bremen’s conference calendar in July 2019.

Summer School on Gender Studies in Turkey

From July 1 – 5, next generation female scientists from Turkey and Germany will be working on the topic of “Women’s and Gender Studies in Turkey: The Past, Present and Future” in the frame of a summer school. Women’s and gender studies are currently part of an academic field that – in Turkey and elsewhere – is being especially questioned by conservative-authoritarian governments. The feminist approach, which is uncompromising and aims to make the work of women in the past and present more visible, is seen as being incompatible with traditional values. Thus, this academic field is regularly exposed to attacks. The aim of the summer school is to take a look at this situation and to support the young women’s research. Contact: Asli Polatdemir, email: polatdemirprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

First Crowdworking Symposium at the University of Bremen

The first crowdworking symposium with the title “Understanding Digital Labor Markets” will take place at the University of Bremen from July 4 - 5. Symposium talks will cover the characteristics of crowdworkers, platform design and platform competition, the regulation of digital work markets, online reputation mechanisms and also the chances and risks of the digital working world. Scientists will present their research from the areas of crowdsourcing, crowdwork, cloudwork, gigwork, online freelancing and other forms of the so-called “on-demand work”. Various workshops will offer researchers and workers a platform for communication about the newest developments in this area and networking. Jan Marco Leimeister, professor of information management and chair at the Institute of Information Management at the University of St. Gallen, will hold the evening talk on July 4. He will talk about “Understanding a New Type of Digital Labor: How the Nature of Work Affects Satisfaction and Identification Among Crowd Workers”. The symposium is financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and organized by the research project “Crowdsourcing as a new form of organizing labor relations”. Contact: Lars Hornuf, phone: +49 421 / 218 66820, email: hornufprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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Research-Based Learning in English Linguistics Field

Research-based learning forms one of the central features of English linguistics at the University of Bremen. The students normally work in empirically designed project seminars, in which they can often work on their desired topics and collect data on their own. In order to present their results to a large audience, the second Bremen Student Conference in English Linguistics will take place on July 15, 2019. The conference will start with a talk by Dr. Michael Westphal and Lisa Jansen (WWU Münster) on “Performing Caribbean Identity in Pop Music: Rihanna & Nicky Minaj”. Subsequently, students from the University of Bremen will present their research on various current topics from the field of English linguistics in parallel panels. The innovative format, which is intended to be as similar to a “real” linguistics conference as possible, offers the students a joint platform for communication and at the same time a realistic insight into scientific discourse towards the end of the semester. Contact: Steffen Schaub, email: steffen.schaubprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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