University of Bremen Conferences in March 2019

An expert conference of linguists, theoretical political science discussions on the relationship between democracy and truth, a meeting of young chemists, and current issues in the wind energy industry – these are the topics of the conferences at the University of Bremen in March 2019.

Around 500 linguists are expected at the University of Bremen from 6 to 8 March for the 41st Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society. It is one of the largest linguistic conferences in Europe. The expert conference will be organized by a team led by the linguists Thomas Stolz, Ingo H. Warnke, and Marcus Callies. It will take place under the motto “Contrast and Opposition.” Linguistic questions will be discussed in 16 thematically specialized working groups: Which oppositions are coded in principle by language systems? Which linguistic usage patterns contrast with which alternatives? Which distinctions can people make with linguistic signals and which can they not? Contact: Professor Thomas Stolz, Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies, e-mail: stolzprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de, tel.: +49 421 218-68300,

Conference on the Relationship between Democracy and Truth

In the Haus der Wissenschaft (Sandstr. 4/5), the “Democracy and Truth” conference of the Political Theories and History of Ideas section of the German Political Science Association (GSPA) will take place on March 13. The content focuses on an old concern that has returned: are we losing respect for and contact with the truth in “Western” democracies? Current debates about the “post-factual age,” “alternative facts,” and “fake news” are largely based on the idea that our democracies need truth for them to function well. And they are driven by the fear that at the same time they are particularly susceptible to the loss of truth. Thus they presuppose a relationship between democracy and truth that is highly controversial in political theory. The conference will therefore discuss this relationship from different perspectives. Contact: Professor Martin Nonhoff, Institute for Intercultural and International Studies (InIIS), e-mail: wahrheitprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de, tel.: +49 421 218-67476,

Young Chemists’ Meeting

The 21st Frühjahrssymposium (FJS) and the second European Young Chemists’ Meeting (EYCheMe) will take place under the motto of “The Key is Chemistry” at the University of Bremen from March 20 to 23. It will be organized by the JungChemikerForum sections in Bremen and Oldenburg. At the conference, about 350 young chemists will present their own research and conduct scientific discussions in poster sessions and poster talks with the invited scientists. Contact: Philipp Gliese, Faculty of Biology/Chemistry, e-mail:,

Current Wind Energy Issues

On March 28, the German Research Association for Measurement, Control and System Engineering (DFMRS) will be hosting the Windenergietagung (wind energy conference) in Bremen. The high development speed in the field of wind energy utilization leads to new challenges for wind turbine technology. In order to increase the reliability of wind turbines, taking into consideration the lack of long-term experience with the current performance classes, it is necessary to advance developments and innovations in the field of measurement and control technology as well as in test procedures, and to open up new test possibilities. The topics in the lecture program range from the current status of the expansion of offshore wind energy to multi-sensor systems for monitoring turbine operation and model-based control of wind turbines. The conference will take place under the patronage of the Bremen Senator for Environment, Construction and Transport, Joachim Lohse, at the Schütting in Bremen. It will be organized by Michael Sorg from the Bremen Institute for Metrology, Automation and Quality Science (BIMAQ). Contact: Michael Sorg, BIMAQ, e-mail: sorprotect me ?!bimaqprotect me ?!.de tel.: +49 421 218-64620,


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