University of Bremen Conferences in November 2018

Research data management, the handling of mobility and flexibility requirements in the working world, and a forum for laser users – those are the topics of the events of the University of Bremen in November.

On Monday, November 19, 2018, the first Bremen workshop titled “From Open Data to Open Science – The Challenge of Research Data Management” will take place at the Bremer Institut Produktion und Logistik GmbH [Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics GmbH]. With regard to the subject matter: research data management is the systematic storage and provision of research data. This task is becoming increasingly important because scientists want to be able to call up and use existing data even after many years. This is particularly important for publicly funded research projects. Participants from different subject areas will present their experiences on this topic during the workshop. In addition, current and future difficulties and solutions for sustainable research data management will be discussed. For example, it is necessary to understand the data quality required in the application areas, to weigh commercial as well as public interests, and to develop sustainably useful infrastructures. The idea for a Bremen workshop on the topic of research data management arose within the framework of the DFG infrastructure project “AimData” carried out at the University of Bremen. Contact: Bremer Institut Produktion und Logistik GmbH [Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics GmbH]; Tel.: +49 421 218-50166; E-mail:

Experts, users, manufacturers, and researchers of laser-assisted production technologies will meet for the 11th time on Wednesday, November 28, 2018, in Bremen for a two-day intensive exchange of ideas. The established Laser Applications Forum (LAF), which takes place every two years on the last Wednesday and Thursday of November, has grown out of its infancy and is now moving to the Congress Centrum Bremen on the exhibition grounds. Around 150 participants and 27 well-known exhibitors are expected on November 28 and 29, 2018. The exhibition space has thus doubled. The forum brings together users and suppliers of innovative solutions in the fields of beam sources, system technology, additive manufacturing, measurement technology, and laser protection. The 2018 program focuses on experiences and innovations on the trend topic of digitization, reports from additive manufacturing, and laser beam joining. Dr. Reiner Ramsayer, Robert Bosch GmbH, will give the opening lecture on challenges and opportunities for lasers in the context of the trends of digitization, industry 4.0, and electromobility. Entrepreneur Adrian Raidt reports on the experiences of the online platform, launched in 2017, to optimize production capacity utilization. Additional topics of the 20 lectures include remote laser welding, beam diagnostics, system technology, and measurements for additive manufacturing. In the afternoon of the second day, the Bremer Institut für angewandte Strahltechnik GmbH (BIAS) will open its laboratories for the traditional open house and allow the participants to take a look behind the scenes of the research. Here, young scientists will present current BIAS projects in the fields of joining, microproduction, optical metrology, surface technology, and additive manufacturing. Information and registration at Contact: Christine Steffens; Tel.: +49 421 218-58130; E-mail:


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