University of Bremen Conferences in February 2019

A symposium around the presentation of the National (Model) Curriculum “Communicative Competences in Nursing” and an expert meeting on air pollution in European and Asian megacities – these are the topics of the conferences at the University of Bremen in February 2019.

The National (Model) Curriculum “Communicative Competences in Nursing” symposium on February 11 and 12, 2019, at the ATLANTIC Grand Hotel Bremen will focus on communicative competence – one of the core competences of nursing professionals. Successful communication contributes to the satisfaction and well-being of the people requiring care, but also of the carers themselves. On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health, the Institut für Public Health und Pflegeforschung (IPP) of the University of Bremen has developed the “Communicative Competences in Nursing” model curriculum as part of the National Cancer Plan. The situation-oriented and developmentally logical curriculum will be presented for the first time at this symposium before being made available to interested schools online in the form of a data base.

In the context of the new law on nursing and care occupations (Pflegeberufegesetz), the curriculum offers an excellent basis for in-school curriculum development. The conference is aimed at teachers in nursing and at students. Contact: Institut für Public Health und Pflegeforschung (IPP), University of Bremen, Faculty of Human and Health Sciences, Professor Ingrid Darmann-Finck, e-mail: darmannprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de, Phone: +49 421 218-68940.

Focus on Air Pollution in Megacities

From February 12 to 14, 2019, more than 40 environmental scientists from European and Asian universities and research institutes will meet at the University of Bremen for the “Transport and transformation of pollutants from European and Asian Major population centres – part 3 (TEAM-3)” workshop. The main topic of discussion will be the impact of air pollution in European and Asian megacities on the Earth’s atmosphere. The preliminary findings from the measurement campaigns of the EMeRGe project (, held in Europe in July 2017 and in Asia in March/April 2018 and funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation – DFG), will be presented. Experts from Taiwan, Japan, China, Philippines, Thailand, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Germany will discuss the results.

Twenty mission flights with a total of 180 flight hours were carried out with the HALO research aircraft ( to study the transport and transformation of emissions from London, Rome, Po Valley, Paris, Benelux/Ruhr, Southern France, Madrid, and Barcelona in Europe as well as Taipei, Manila, Bangkok, and Continental East Asia. The previous two TEAM workshops took place in February and November 2017, also at the University of Bremen, in order to coordinate the flight measurement campaigns of the EMeRGe project with accompanying and complementary research activities within the framework of international cooperation, and to discuss preliminary results.

The TEAM-3 workshop is organized by Professor John P. Burrows and his colleagues with the support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation – DFG). Participation in the workshop via video conference will be possible. Contact: Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP), University of Bremen, Faculty of Physics/Electrical Engineering, Professor John P. Burrows, Phone: +49 421 218-62100, e-mail: burrowsprotect me ?!iup.physik.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.

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