Information day for prospective students

On Wednesday May 16, prospective students are invited to come to the University of Bremen to learn about studying here. The information day for prospective students is a chance to learn about the University’s bachelor's degree programs and the law degree program.

You want to study – but don’t know what? The information day for prospective students on May 16 gives everyone the opportunity to gain a comprehensive overview of the programs offered at the University of Bremen and get a whiff of campus air. The event targets especially senior high-school students in the surrounding region.

Campus tours and tips on applying for a place

The varied offer starts at 8.30 a.m. with tours of the campus and institutes, information about financing studies, studying abroad and foreign languages, as well as tips on learning techniques. The staff of the Central Student Advisory Service will be there to explain the application procedure, and in information lectures visitors can learn about the structure of bachelor's and master's studies.

Information breakfast and fun courses for beginners

In the morning, students invite visitors to "Breakfast at Philosophy" or the Info-Café. There are also interdisciplinary information events, and in the morning and afternoon, visitors can take part in fun courses for beginners. Here are some examples: In mathematics, prospective students can deal with the topic “The length of the arc”. In the subject French and Spanish, different fields of Romance Studies are presented at varying learning stations. And under the title “Fundamental rights in the multicultural society”, visitors can get an introduction to public law.

Central point of contact is the information stand in building GW 2

The central point of contact on the information day for prospective students is the stand run by the Central Student Advisory Service in building GW 2. Here, from 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m., visitors can get information on the range of studies offered at the University of Bremen and get directions on how to find what they are looking for. At the numerous other stands run by the degree programs and service facilities, you can be sure to find competent partners to answer any questions you might have.

More information under (in German only):

If you would like to know more about this topic, feel free to contact:

Central Student Advisory Service
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-61160
Email: zsbprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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Auf dem Informationstag erhalten Studieninteressierte Einblick in die Studienmöglichkeiten an der Universität Bremen.