University and Indoor Pools Closed due to Sabotage

Due to a suspected act of sabotage, the entire university and indoor pool facility have to remain closed for the next few days; the police are investigating. Bremer Bäder GmbH and the Verein für Hochschulsport will announce on their websites in the near future when the swimming pools can open again.

The incident occurred on the evening of Wednesday, November 21, 2018: “Due to considerable manipulations in the area of the water supply, the technical center was flooded with about one meter of water,” reports Hans-Joachim Orlok, Head of Administrative Department 4 – Technical Administration and Buildings at the University of Bremen. Thanks to the committed action of the fire department, the masses of water were pumped out again in the same night. “We can’t yet estimate the damage, especially to the electrical systems,” says Orlok. “We can therefore not yet say when the university and indoor pool will be able to open again. We hope to make it by the end of next week.” As soon as the reopening date is foreseeable, Bremer Bäder GmbH and the Verein für Hochschulsport will announce it on their websites.

Second Incident

There was another similar water damage incident in the university pool at the end of October. At that time, the technical center was also flooded due to a faulty position of valves in the entire water pipe system of the pool. “Today we assume that it was also sabotage,” says Orlok. The police are now investigating both cases.

Additional Information:


Hans-Joachim Orlok
Administrative Department 4 – Technical Administration and Buildings
University of Bremen
Dr.: +49 421 218-60600
E-mail: orlokprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Entrace of the university pool
The foto shows the entrance of the university pool.