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[Translate to English:] Universität Bremen begrüßt Frühstudierende

It is not only regular first semester students that are currently beginning their studies at the University of Bremen. The university is also welcoming 19 school pupils. The talented and interested young people are taking part in some foundation courses in the frame of the “Early Study” program.

Eight young women and eleven young men are going to lectures and introductory seminars at the following faculties: Physics/Electrical Engineering, Biology/Chemistry, Mathematics/Computer Science, Production Engineering, Law, Social Sciences, and Linguistics and Literary Studies. The Early Study offer has been available at the University of Bremen for around 15 years. After having implemented an intense advertising campaign in high schools in Bremen and surrounding areas, the number of Early Study participants tripled this semester.

“In the field of transfer into society, we are particularly active with regard to the cooperation between university and school and are therefore extremely pleased that we were able to win over so many interested school pupils for the Early Study program. Many of them have subject-based interests, which they would like to deepen during their time at school or they feel that they are not sufficiently challenged in particular school subjects. We are providing the opportunity for these talented people to become part of the University of Bremen at an early age,” says Professor Thomas Hoffmeister, vice president academic at the University of Bremen.

The Early Study program is organized and coordinated by the Transfer Office for University & School (Transferstelle Universität & Schule), which is located within the UniTransfer administrative unit at the University of Bremen. The transfer coordinator Isabell Harder is part of the Bremen “Network for Continuous Talent Support” (Netzwerk durchgängige Begabungsförderung). She provides advice on offers for talent support at the University of Bremen and provides contact to network partners in the Bremen science and education system. Registration for entry into the Early Study program is possible (in consultation with legal guardians, teachers, and school management) every year until September 15.

Further Information:  (in German only)


Isabell Harder
Transfer Office for University & School
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60393
Email: isabell.harderprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Registration for entry into the Early Study program is possible (in consultation with legal guardians, teachers, and school management) until September 15.