University of Bremen Welcomes More Than 5,000 First-Semester Students

The overall enrollment figures for the winter semester at the University of Bremen are at the same level as last year. The freshman orientation week from October 8 to 12 and the university start portal ensure a good start to your studies.

More than 5,000 students will begin their studies at the University of Bremen in the winter semester 2018/19 with a mix of preliminary courses, information events, guided tours, and parties. They received an initial welcome in the form of the first-semester letter from the President in September, the “Neuland” brochure of the university, and numerous hints for a successful start to their studies. Also included was the invitation to the festive studies kickoff event on November 23 in the Theater Bremen at Goetheplatz, which will start the semester off with a bang.

Entrance into Studies Made Easier

“I am pleased that students continue to show great interest in us and that we can offer them improved conditions for a successful course of study with a reformed introductory phase using research-based learning approaches and support scenarios,” says Thomas Hoffmeister, Vice President Academic at the University of Bremen.

Orientation Week Starts on October 8, 2018

The first preparations for studying – such as preliminary courses in electrical engineering, accounting, or computer science – already started in September; at the beginning of the month, the “Neuland Universität” workshops for orientation at the university followed. Orientation week starts next Monday for all freshmen. It offers subject-specific and interdisciplinary events, a central information exchange on Thursday, October 11, and many welcoming activities by teachers and students of more advanced semesters for the “frosh.”

Teaching Profession Remains Popular

Slightly more than 3,600 students begin a course of study with the aim of obtaining a bachelor’s degree or taking the First State Examination in Law. In light of the slight decline in the number of applicants – even throughout Germany – most of them were able to secure their first choice of university. Only in the degree courses qualifying for a teaching position, psychology, and media and art studies did the university have to issue many rejections due to limited resources.

As usual, the largest first-semester groups are in business and law with 450 and 250 students respectively, followed by sociology with around 175 first-semester students. A total of around 450 students begin their studies with the aim of becoming teachers, one-third of them for elementary school.

More Master’s Enrollments

The University of Bremen has recorded a slight increase in the number of applications and first-semester figures for its master’s programs, in particular due to the newly launched master’s programs “English-Speaking Cultures: Language, Text, Media” and “Digital Media and Society.” Around 1,500 bachelor’s graduates will begin their first degree course with a specialization or interdisciplinary extension in the form of a master’s degree.

Master’s Program Attracts International Students

As in previous years, slightly more women than men are beginning a degree course: in 2018, 53% of the students were women in their first degree course and 54% in their continuing studies. While around 8% of undergraduate students have a foreign nationality, this figure is a quarter of all new master’s students. The University of Bremen is pleased with this interest, which is certainly also due to the expansion of the international master’s programs and the lively and open university culture. In addition, a further 250 or so young international students are starting guest, language, or preparatory studies.

Additional Information:

The university start portal offers comprehensive information about the beginning of your degree course:


Christina Vocke
Administrative Department for Student Affairs
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-61000
E-mail: cvockeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Diverse people between stands.
The freshman orientation week and the university start portal make it easier for first-semester students to start their studies.