University of Bremen: BIOM Celebrates Topping-Out

The construction of a biology teaching and research building is well underway: After 15 months, structural work was finished, and the topping-out ceremony took place. The building will hold around 1,000 students and 100 staff and should be finished by summer semester 2022 at the latest.

The University of Bremen President, Prof. Dr.-Ing Bernd Scholz-Reiter, thanked all people involved in the project and said: “Excellent teaching and research require not only outstanding scientists. It is also the infrastructure, thus the buildings, the laboratories, and the equipment, that make high-level research and teaching possible and make universities competitive.” With the new BIOM Building for research and teaching, the University of Bremen and the field of biology are able to look forward from a stronger position and “continue to promote the positive developments of the past years with great dedication.”

The BIOM Building on James-Watt-Straße on the university campus will hold offices, laboratories, and seminar rooms for teaching and research purposes, as well as so-called service areas, of which some will be able to be flexibly used. The building will bring nine biology professors together under one roof. Their fields of work require the most modern laboratories and equipment – whether this be climate controllable chambers, in which environmental conditions can be controlled, laboratories for chemical work, or wet laboratories where samples from expeditions can be analyzed. The fields of biology’s research approach will build on such work even more in the future. The University of Bremen is meeting the needs of such development with the BIOM Building.

Senator Finances New Construction

The investment volume for the construction of around 45 million euros is being provided by the Senator of Science and Ports, Dr. Claudia Schilling. “With the BIOM Building as a high-priority new-build project from the Science Plan 2025, we are creating the conditions to maintain the excellent standard of molecular and marine biology research at the University of Bremen and are continuing to improve its strength in third-party funding and also its international reputation. By doing so, we are underscoring the diversity and performance of the science system in the State of Bremen and the university here in a striking manner,” according to Schilling.

In accordance with the design of the architecture office Kister Scheithauer Gross (ksg) from Cologne and Leipzig, an impressive front building with light red-beige bricks is being constructed. A new biology building is required as the current NW2 Building stems from the 1970s and no longer fulfils the modern requirements of biology research and teaching. After the completion of the new building, NW2 Building will undergo a core refurbishment.

Further Information:


Hans-Joachim Orlok
Head of Administrative Department for Technical Administration and Buildings
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60600
Email: orlokprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Sebastian Rösener
Spokesperson for the Senator of Science and Ports
Phone: +49 421 361-83155
Email: sebastian.roesenerprotect me ?!swh.bremenprotect me ?!.de

Jana Wenz, Projektleitung Architekturbüro ksg, Dr. Claudia Schilling, Senatorin für Wissenschaft und Häfen, Rektor Prof. Dr.-Ing Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Prof. Dr. Michael W. Friedrich, Nutzervertreter (v.l.)
Jana Wenz, Project Leader at ksg architecture office, Dr. Claudia Schilling, Senator of Science and Ports, President Prof. Dr.-Ing Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Prof. Dr. Michael W. Friedrich, user representative (from the left).
Außenansicht des geplanten BIOM-Gebäudes
An outside view of the planned BIOM research and teaching building.