University Successful Twice: Two New DFG Priority Programs

The University of Bremen has been successful twice in the German research Foundation’s (DFG) choice of new Priority Programs. The Faculty of Geosciences and Faculty of Production Engineering belong to the 14 new programs that have been chosen from 49 submitted initiatives.

The 14 new groups will receive a total of 85 million euros over the next three years. Scientific foundations of particularly current or emerging research fields are to be investigated in the Priority Programs. All programs are extremely interdisciplinary and characterized by the application of innovative methods.

Tropical Climate Variability and Coral Reefs

The Priority Program Tropical climate variability and coral reefs. A past to future perspective on current rates of change at ultra-high resolution will be coordinated by Dr. Thomas Felis from MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen.

The program deals with the effects of global warming on the climate variability of the tropics and the coral reef eco system. It investigates issues relevant to society, for example the stability of tropical reef communities and the consequences of climate extremes for tropical island nations and countries. The ever-increasing occurrence of so-called coral bleaching, as well as heat waves, drought, and cyclones are of particular significance. The aim is to quantify the climate and environmental changes during the current global warming and past warming phases. This is how a scientific framework for effective climate-eco system management and the development of action strategies are to be created.

The greatly interdisciplinary Priority Program will sustainably join the expertise of several scientific locations in the fields of climate, environmental, and eco system research in Germany.

Process Engineering: Customized Mixtures of Heterogenous Powders

“Creation of synergies in customised mixtures of heterogeneous powders” is the name of the second Bremen Priority Program, which is being coordinated by Professor Lutz Mädler and Professor Udo Fritsching from the Process and Chemical Engineering Department at the Leibniz IWT and the University of Bremen. The new program focusses on the development of application-oriented particle systems through controlled, process reliable, and maneuverable setting of particulate generation systems. The main focus is to be placed on gas phase processes because these allow for process controlling for new, pure material systems to a special extent.

The Priority Program will be include around 20 scientific sub-projects that will bring together the expertise of various transdisciplinary research fields – for example, production engineering, process technology, flow engineering, measurement and characterization engineering, modelling and simulation, application technologies such as in energy conversion and energy storage, and material synthesis.

Further Information:



Dr. Thomas Felis

MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences

University of Bremen

Phone: +49 421 218-65751

Email: tfelisprotect me ?!marumprotect me ?!.de


Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Lutz Mädler

Leibniz IWT

University of Bremen

Phone: +49 421 218-51200

Email: lmaedlerprotect me ?!iwt.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Materialwissenschaftliches Experiment