University Library: 1st Prize in Best Practice Competition

The State and University Library Bremen has come first place in the Best-Practice Competition of the German Library Association and Association of German Librarians. The motto was The Self-Explanatory Library – Becoming Information-Competent in Passing by Using Services.

The SuUB’s contribution titled You are my hero of the day (“Sie sind meine Heldin des Tages”) – a quote from a thank you email – describes the direct aid given when users cannot open an online publication from the library. All required information is passed onto a SuUB service team with one click. The team then directly deals with the problem, initiates corrections, and sends quick, individual replies with solution suggestions. In this way it is possible to directly communicate with users, further research recommendations can be made, and mistakes in the catalogue can be erased. In April 2020, 406 inquiries were answered.

The positive feedback from users as well as from the vocational associations pleases the service team and all SuUB staff members. “I am amazed by the innovative ideas and the dedication of our team,” says Maria Elisabeth Müller, SuUB director. A further expansion of the function with regards to other services is planned.

Prize Honors Exemplary Concepts

The Best Practice Competition in Information Competency has been held annually since 2014 by the joint Information Competence Commission from the German Library Association (dbv) and Association of German Librarians (“Verein Deutscher Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare” – VDB). Libraries across the country can present their innovative services in said competition.

The competition honors particularly exemplary concepts that are suitable to be used in other libraries. This year, a special focus was placed on the promotion of information competence outside of traditional courses.

Further Information: (in German only)


Anke Winsmann
Public Relations Officer
State and University Library Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-59572

The library's main entrance