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University of Bremen Committed to Protection against Discrimination

Members of the University of Bremen will receive stronger protection against discrimination as well as extensive options for dealing with specific incidents. This applies to everyone – from management to employees and students. To this end, the Academic Senate has adopted new statutes.

The University of Bremen strives to be a place of learning, teaching, and working that is characterized by a culture of respect, trust, and interaction that is fair, supportive, and sensitive to diversity. The new statutes aim to sensitize all those involved to this topic. They are called upon to contribute to a discrimination-sensitive culture through their behavior and actions.

An Important Step for the University

"These statutes are a big step and a great success when it comes to our commitment to respectful interaction at our university," says President Jutta Günther. "The statutes define the ban on discrimination in very concrete terms. They outline responsibilities and create transparency and certainty for everyone involved."
Dr. Mandy Boehnke, Vice President for International Affairs, Academic Qualification, and Diversity, under whose leadership the statutes were drawn up, emphasizes: "The statutes show ways to address one's own actions in a low-threshold manner. Our aim is to raise awareness and increase sensitivity to discrimination and counteract taboos."

Discrimination Takes Many Forms

Discrimination occurs in many different forms: As comments, actions, or omissions that belittle, disadvantage, harass, threaten, or harm people. It also takes effect when, for example, the interpretation or application of regulations, criteria, or procedures result in certain groups of people being disadvantaged.

Not Only Intent, but also Ignorance Can Have a Discriminatory Effect

The decisive factor for discrimination is the result and the effect, regardless of the intention. Ignorance, thoughtlessness, or actions previously deemed as a matter of course can all result in discrimination.

Specific Measures and Intervention Options

The new statutes provide for measures, procedural regulations, low-threshold intervention options, as well as counseling and complaint mechanisms. They take into account the recommendations of the federal government's Anti-Discrimination Office in accordance with the "Building Blocks for Systematic Protection against Discrimination at Universities" ("Bausteine für einen systematischen Diskriminierungsschutz an Hochschulen"). The University of Bremen thus joins the nationwide efforts of many universities and colleges and assumes its socio-political and legal responsibility to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to deal with and protect against discrimination.

University "Aware together" Anti-Discrimination Day on April 24, 2024

With the campaign day this Wednesday, the university is putting its new statutes into action, bringing the guiding principles to the university, providing information about the new regulations, and inviting people to exchange ideas about discrimination on campus with workshops, lectures, artistic activities, and a diversity slam.

Further Information:



Dr. Mandy Boehnke
Vice President for International Affairs, Academic Qualification, and Diversity
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60041
Email: Kon3protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de



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