University of Bremen Conferences in July

Dynamic systems describe how states change over time and are used, for example, in physics, biology, and computer science. Two conferences on this topic will be held at the University of Bremen in July.

Summer School: Data-driven Dynamical Systems

Students in master's programs, doctoral candidates, and young researchers will exchange ideas at the "Summer School: Data-driven Dynamical Systems" from July 24 to 26. The topics of the summer school lie at the interface between dynamic systems and machine learning, including, for example, data-driven approximation and kernel analog predictions. The summer school is being organized by the Parameter Identification research group within the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science. Participation is free of charge and registration is required. Further information: Https:// Contact: Friederike Preuße, datads24protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.

XLIV Dynamics Days Europe

The "XLIV Dynamics Days Europe" conference will take place in Bremen from July 29 to August 2. It is one of the largest annual events in the field of dynamical systems and offers the opportunity for exchange in many subfields of this research field, including bifurcation theory, machine learning, nonlinear waves, computational methods, as well as medicine and neurodynamics. The event series was founded in the 1980s and has provided a European forum for developments in the theory and application of dynamics for 44 years. With presentations on topics from physics, mathematics, biology, and engineering, the conference brings together researchers from different backgrounds from all over the world. The conference is financially supported by various organizations such as the German Research Foundation (DFG) and Springer-Verlag. The organizational team also includes members of the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science. Further information and registration: Contact: Professor Anke Pohl (apohlprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de), Professor Marc Keßeböhmer (mhkprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de)

University of Bremen Illustration