University of Bremen Conferences in March

The Faculty of Educational Sciences is hosting the major congress of the German Educational Research Association in March. In the field of teacher education, the Bremen sub-project "Digi-Spotlights" of the federal-state program "Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung" invites participants to a symposium.

The DGfE congress has been held every two years since 1968 at changing university locations in Germany. From March 13 to 16, 2022, it will be organized for the first time at the University of Bremen. Some 1,700 participants will address the congress theme of "Entgrenzungen” (Dissolving Boundaries) from an educational science perspective in 10 parallel lectures, 62 symposia, 74 working groups, and 41 research forums. The congress will be opened by the keynote speaker Dr. Sara Ahmed (UK). In her contribution, the renowned queer-feminist scholar will address the tension between difference and diversity at the institution of the university from a postcolonial perspective. Contact and further information on the congress: DGfE Congress Office, Tobias Linnemann and Marion Schmincke-Koch, phone: +49 421 218-69000, email: dgfe2022protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de ,

On March 24 and 25, 2022, the symposium "Future-Oriented Perspectives on the Interlocking and Networking of Subject Science and Subject Didactics" (“Zukunftsweisende Perspektiven zur Verzahnung und Vernetzung von Fachwissenschaft und Fachdidaktik”) will take place in hybrid form. The organizer is the sub-project "Digi-Spotlights" from the project "Shaping Interfaces" at the University of Bremen. It is part of the federal-state program "Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung" (Quality Initiative: Teacher Education). "We are particularly concerned with making it possible to experience the importance of subject-specific scientific and didactic content for the future profession as a teacher and thus also to strengthen the subject-specific identity of student teachers," says Professor Christine Knipping. How this can be achieved in concrete terms, what the disciplines can learn from each other, and what challenges are also digitally associated with this will be the subject of the interdisciplinary symposium. Using innovative teaching concepts and projects that have already been tested in the classroom, the organizers would like to take a systematic look at the extent to which the curricular interlocking and content-related networking of subject-specific scientific and subject-specific didactic elements can be reflexively experienced by students of teaching and subject-specific sciences with a view to their professional practice. Contact and further information: Digi-Spotlights team: digispotprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de;

Image with blossoming cherry trees and red chairs on campus
Impressions of the University of Bremen campus.