YUFE: Political Support for European University

Together with seven partner institutions, our University is designing one of the first European universities. The YUFE alliance (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) is receiving a great deal of international, political support. This was shown at a meeting at the University of Cyprus

The EU Commission director-general for Youth, Sport and Culture, Themis Christophidou, was in attendance, as was the representative of the Cyprus Ministry for Education, Culture, Sport and Youth. Additionally, several ambassadors from the involved countries were present at the meeting. “In their contributions, all political representatives emphasized the importance of the creation of a European university on both a national and international level,” reports the president of the University of Bremen, Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter. “We are thankful for this widespread recognition. We are experiencing the founding of a European university, which is a great opportunity.” President Scholz-Reiter is confident that the new Bremen parliament will support the creation of one of the first European universities. Initial talks are currently being held.

EU Commission Provides Funding for YUFE

At the end of June 2019, the EU Commission chose the YUFE alliance to create one of the first European universities in a pilot process. The network will receive five million euros in the coming three years. The eight partner universities are laying foundations for the further project at regular meetings and all status groups are involved in said meeting: students, staff and management of the eight universities. The funding will officially begin on December 1, 2019.

The YUFE Vision: Studying Throughout Europe

YUFE students will be able to easily transfer between the locations of the participating universities, study in more than one language and move around in various European cultures. All university students and staff will be able to experience this new quality of mobility. Constant communication will connect the locations and open new career paths for University of Bremen members. In this way, the alliance promotes communication, learning and mutual understanding across institutions, regions and cultures in Europe. YUFE strengthens European identities and the European idea. Alongside the University of Bremen, the universities of Maastricht, Antwerp, Carlos III Madrid, Eastern Finland, Essex, Roma Tor Vergata, and Cyprus belong to the network.

Public YUFE Event on November 11, in Bremen

For the first time, the university will provide the public with information on YUFE at an open event on Monday, November 11, 2019. All interested persons are invited to come along to the panel discussion at the Euopapunkt, Carl-Ronning-Straße 2. “In order for us to create a European university, we need to work together: science, politics, and economy,” emphasizes the president of the University of Bremen.

“YUFE Connects Universities to Society”

The Executive Board, staff and students at the University of Bremen already collected several ideas during an internal event in the frame of a World Café. Various initiatives, such as new Erasmus contracts, ideas for joint degree programs and modules, and workshops, are also being developed. “YUFE connects universities to society and promotes cooperation between higher education institutes, the public and private sectors and citizens throughout Europe,” explains the president.

Further information:

The University of Bremen’s YUFE website: http://unihb.eu/hQh9IkGA




Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter
President of the University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60011 (assistant)    
email: rektorprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

General YUFE information:

Leonie Wiemeyer
YUFE Coordinator
International Office
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60384
Email: yufe-infoprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Gruppenbild mit zwei Frauen und einem Mann
EU Commission director-general for Youth, Sport and Culture, Themis Christophidou (right), with the president of the University of Cyprus, Professor Tasos Christofides, and the director of the YUFE alliance, Dr. Daniela Trani (University of Maastricht).