MACHT SINN! Donating to science

MACHT SINN! Donating to science

The Exhibition

Foundations in the state of Bremen provide impetus for the future. Based on 10 focus topics, MACHT SINN! introduces 10 personalities - researchers, students, donors - and their funding projects at the University of Bremen.

We invite you to the exhibition MACHT SINN! Donations for Science exhibition.


16.01. – 31.03.

Stiftungshaus Bremen
Bürgermeister-Smidt-Straße 78, 28195 Bremen

17.04. – 30.06.MZH/Universität Bremen
Bibliothekstrasse 5 28359 Bremen
23./24.06.OPEN CAMPUS/Universität Bremen
Bibliothekstraße 1
01. 09. - 02.12Haus der Wissenschaft
Sandstraße 4/5


The book accompanying the exhibition

With a greeting from Eckart von Hirschhausen

Open Space Edition, Bremen
1. Auflage (2022)
infoprotect me ?!open-space-editionprotect me ?!.de
ISBN 978-3-947225-28-6


[Translate to English:] Eine farbenfrohe Kachel mit der Beschriftung "Sehen. Die Portraits."

The foundation team is delighted because the time has finally come. The books for our MACHT SINN! exhibition have arrived. Now you can take the exhibition home with you. The elaborately designed reversible book has two parts: In the first part, you have the opportunity to get to know the 10 researchers and benefactors we have portrayed and learn about their motives. The second part presents the Bremen foundations that currently support the University of Bremen.
MACHT SINN! Stiften für die Wissenschaft is available in bookshops for 30 euros or directly from the publisher via the following link:

Further insights on
Das Logo der Stiftung der Universität Bremen aus dem roten "U" der Universität und dem Stiftungsnamen

A project of the University of Bremen Foundation
Das Logo der Wolfgang Ritter-Stiftung

With the kind support of the Wolfgang Ritter Foundation