
[Translate to English:] Eine farbenfrohe Fläche mit der Beschriftung "Verstehen. Ihre Fragen und FAQs"

Understanding - Frequently asked questions

Can I choose a specific project or foundation?

You have the opportunity to support the Stiftung der Universität Bremen and its trust foundations with a donation or an endowment.

If you wish to directly support students, we recommend the Deutschlandstipendium program, where your donation is even doubled by the federal government.
If you would like to support a specific research area, please feel free to contact us: E-Mail


What is a donation?

Donations are used directly for project funding and are promptly allocated to support projects.

From a tax perspective, donations are voluntary and gratuitous monetary or in-kind contributions for a charitable purpose (cf. § 52 para. 2 of the German Tax Code). There is no exchange of services between the donor and the recipient.
Donations from private assets are tax-deductible up to 20 percent of annual income, reducing the taxable income.


What is an endowment?

Unlike a donation, the amount you contribute is not immediately used for funding projects. Instead, it remains intact and increases the foundation's capital. The earnings from the foundation's capital (interest, dividends) are used for charitable projects over the long term.

The purpose of the University of Bremen Foundation is to promote science and research as well as student assistance (§ 52 para. 2 sentences 1 and 7 of the German Tax Code).

Endowments to the foundation's capital stock receive special tax benefits. In addition to the regular tax deduction for donations, amounts up to a total of 1 million euros can be claimed for tax purposes in the year of the contribution and the following nine years.


What is a contribution (Zuwendung)?

A "contribution" is an umbrella term that includes membership fees, endowments, and donations. Both donations and endowments are tax-deductible. You will receive a contribution certificate for your donation or endowment.


How can I pay?

The following payment options are available for your donation or endowment:

  • Classic bank transfer
  • PayPal

For bank transfers, please use the purpose of payment "Endowment" or "Donation." If you require a contribution certificate, please also provide your address.

University of Bremen Foundation
IBAN: DE46 2905 0101 0001 6125 14


Is there a minimum amount?

No, all amounts are welcome. However, for contributions of 5,000 euros or more, your name will be placed on our donor stele in the Garden of Nations in front of the VWG building.


Will I receive a contribution certificate?

For amounts up to 300 euros, the bank statement serves as proof for the tax office. Upon request, we issue contribution certificates for amounts of 300 euros or more. We will need your address for this.


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If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us at: stiftungprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


[Translate to English:] Farbiger Seitenabschluss