Bremen-Cardiff Alliance: “The Future Is European”

Students and staff from both universities profit from the strategic partnership of the Bremen-Cardiff Alliance - even in times of the corona pandemic. That is what University President Bernd Scholz-Reiter and Vice-Chancellor Colin Riordan underscored during the “Wales in Bremen” event.

One of the success stories of the past year was a joint two-week program on the topics of entrepreneurship and sustainability, which was developed for the students of both universities. “This program was a direct reaction to the pandemic and the travel restrictions and was carried out digitally. Even in an online format, together we were able to offer a high-quality, interactive, and international experience to 30 students from Cardiff and Bremen. Thus, they were able to find out more about entrepreneurship, develop business ideas with a focus on sustainability, and learn something about the business and entrepreneurial culture in the United Kingdom and Germany,” explains Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter.

The Bremen-Cardiff Alliance concentrates on joint strategic priorities. One of said priorities is the aim to integrate academic staff members in the research and education landscape of the partner university in the long term. This is a particularly special aspect of the university alliance, which is currently planned for four so-called focus areas that span over the entire breadth of natural sciences and the humanities.

“Activities in a Number of Areas”

In order to expand the collaboration between both universities, staff were encouraged to suggest new projects and bottom-up initiatives that can be financed by the Bremen-Cardiff Collaborative Fund. “These activities may range from joint teaching activities to professional service provision projects and joint research. It is impressive to see that activities have taken place in a number of areas,” emphasized Vice-Chancellor Colin Riordan. “We are sure that the future of teaching and research is European,” stated Bernd Scholz-Reiter.

The Wales in Bremen event in the Metropol Theater was marked by music, poetry, and science: The current National Poet of Wales, Ifor ap Glyn, read a selection of his poems. The Bremen soprano Corinna Reynolds, the violinist Marijke Tjoelker, the violoncellist Leander Kippenberg, and the pianist Lea Fink offered a musical program of Welsh folk songs combined with classical European music.

Motto Year: Wales in Germany 2021

The Welsh regional government’s Wales in Germany 2021 initiative shows the broad spectrum of activities and exchange between Germany and Wales in the areas of trade, science and innovation, culture and art, education, alumni, tourism, citizen relations, and sustainable development.

Further Information:



Barbara Hasenmüller

International Office

Acting Head and Coordinator of EU Education Programs

Phone: +49 421 218-60362

Email: barbara.hasenmuellerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Rektor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Sporanistin Corinna Reynolds, Nationaldichter Ifor ap Glyn, Vice-Chancellor Colin Riordan (v.l.)
President Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Soprano Corinna Reynolds, National Poet Ifor ap Glyn, Vice-Chancellor Colin Riordan