Bremen Thesis Award 2020

The "unifreunde" Association of the Friends of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University will digitally award the Bremen Thesis Prize for outstanding theses at 6 p.m. on March 16, 2021. Bruker Daltonik GmbH is sponsoring a special prize.

The “unifreunde” Association has been honoring extraordinary final work since 1983. The Vice President Research of the University of Bremen, Professor Jutta Günther, will open the event via Zoom and welcome the guests. The Bremen Senator of Science and Ports, Dr. Claudia Schilling, and Professor Bengt Beutler, the association’s Chairman, will hold welcome speeches. Researchers who supervised the graduates’ theses will hold laudatory speeches.

The winners of the Bremen Thesis Award 2020 are:

Dissertation in the field of natural and engineering sciences: Dr. Dennis Philipp from the Faculty of Physics / Electrical Engineering on the topic of Theoretical Aspects of Relativistic Geodesy

Master’s thesis in the field of natural and engineering sciences: Louisa Granzow from the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science on the topic of Deep learning for Picking Seismic Arrival Times at Neumayer Station, Antarctica

Dissertation in the field of social sciences and humanities: Dr. Cindy Roitsch from the Faculty of Cultural Studies on the topic of Setting Communicative Boundaries – Challenges and Practices of Young People in a Diverse Media Environment (“Kommunikative Grenzziehung – Herausforderungen und Praktiken junger Menschen in einer vielgestaltigen Medienumgebung”)

Master’s thesis in the field of social sciences and humanities: Lucas von Blumröder from the Faculty of Cultural Studies on the topic of The Usage of Machine Learning for the Making of

Discretionary Decisions in Public Administration (“Die Nutzung von maschinellem Lernen für den Erlass von Ermessensentscheidungen der öffentlichen Verwaltung”)

Bruker Daltonik GmbH Special Prize in the field of natural and engineering sciences will be awarded to Dr. Maria Sofia Palagonia from the Faculty of Production Engineering for her dissertation on the topic of Lithium recovery from diluted brines by means of a flow-through electrodes reactor.


Julia Pundt
Administrative Unit 01: President’s Office
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60116
Email: eventsprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de





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