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Carl Katz and Others: False Collaboration Accusations against Jews in Holocaust Historiography

On June 25, 2024, a joint event of the Leo Baeck Institute New York and the University of Bremen will take place at the House of Science. The topic is false collaboration accusations against Holocaust survivors and putting these in the proper historical and social context.

The conference will consider the false accusations historians made, even recently, against the prominent Bremen Jews Carl Katz and Alfred Ries and take the opportunity to discuss why this happened.

Professor Cornelius Torp from the University of Bremen is hosting the event. PD Dr. Nicolas Berg from the Dubnow Institute Leipzig will give the introductory keynote speech. Speakers from the USA will be Dr. Frank Mecklenburg, Research Director of the Leo Baeck Institute in New York, and Professor Andrea Sinn from ELON University. Other speakers are historians Dr. Anna Corsten from the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Dr. Philip Dinkelaker from the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), as well as the authors Hans Hermann Klare and Dr. Sabine Pamperrien.  

The event will conclude with an open discussion. Is it necessary to critically examine German Holocaust research? Is there a need for a fundamental rethinking of previous narratives? Could it be that antisemitic undercurrents are at play in history? These and other questions will be discussed together with the audience.

Supporters include the Verein Freunde und Förderer des Leo Baeck Instituts, the Bremen State Archives, GEW Hamburg, and SV Werder Bremen. The cooperating partner is the Institute for the History of German Jews in Hamburg.
This is a public event for all who are interested in history.

Registration is requestedEvents.NNGprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de. The event will be filmed.  

Event Information:

June 25, 2027
Location: House of Science
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (with coffee break)


Prof. Dr. Cornelius Torp
History Department – Modern and Contemporary History
University of Bremen
Email:  cornelius.torpprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Phone: + 49 421 - 218-67235

Dr. Sabine Pamperrien
Email: drprotect me ?!pamperrienprotect me ?!.de
Phone: +49 176 53778500

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