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Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy: Degree Program to Start Next Winter Semester

The University of Bremen is introducing a master's degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy in the 2024/25 winter semester. Thanks to the recruitment of specialist staff, the degree program is now able to start and will be open to a total of 30 students.

The Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy licensing degree course, which has been in the pipeline for several years, can start in the 2024/25 winter semester. It is only now that the necessary specialist staff have been able to be recruited. This also means that important requirements for the operation of the planned university outpatient clinic have been met: Two professorships with a focus on clinical psychology and psychotherapy in adulthood and on clinical psychology and psychotherapy in children and adolescents have been successfully filled, as have clinical lecturer roles with various specialist expertise. Said staff are involved in the degree program just like the other professors and teaching staff members in the area of psychology and also bring the clinical expertise that is required for the depth and range of specialist training as part of a licensing degree program.

Great Need for Psychotherapists in Society

"We recognize how great the need for psychotherapists is in society and are pleased to contribute to the training of this important professional group," says the Dean, Professor Ingrid Darmann-Finck from the Faculty of Human and Health Sciences, which has developed the degree program in recent years and is also where it will be based. The establishment of the degree program is also an important innovation and a major step for the university: the University of Bremen is thus rounding off the range of degree programs offered in psychology with the new opportunity to obtain a license to practice as a psychotherapist through a university degree program followed by a state examination.

High Demand Expected

Due to the intensive, highly practice-oriented degree program in statutory group sizes, only 30 study places can be offered for the master's degree. The university expects demand to be high. On the whole, capacities in the field of psychology are always fully exhausted.
In addition to the new Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy master's degree program, the University of Bremen also offers a master's program in Psychology, as well as other attractive study programs in this field in other faculties, namely, master's programs in Neurosciences and Business Psychology.

Further Information:

Https:// (in German only)


Prof. Dr. Ingrid Darmann-Finck
Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP)
Qualification and Curriculum Research Department
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-68940
Email: darmannprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

[Translate to English:]
The University of Bremen is introducing a master's degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy in the 2024/25 winter semester.