Dr. Hans Riegel Awards for Outstanding Research by Pupils

On September 26, 2019, the University of Bremen and the Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation honored pupils from the region for their outstanding prescientific papers. The Dr. Hans Riegel Awards are endowed with a total of approximately 5,200 euros.

Papers from pupils of the following schools were honored: Schulzentrum Carl von Ossietzky in Bremerhaven, Freie Evangelische Bekenntnisschule, Altes Gymnasium, and the Hermann-Böse, Horn and Hamburger Straße grammar schools in Bremen. Several project papers from the fields of biology, chemistry, geography, computer sciences, mathematics, and physics were submitted to the University of Bremen for the Dr. Hans Riegel Award. These were judged by a jury comprised of scientists. A particular focus was placed on a creative topic and a clearly recognizable, practical part in the form of experiments. As an example, one of the chosen papers dealt with the creation of a virtual reality simulation of a cathode ray tube – one of the central experiment structures for physics class in senior grades.

Gaining Outstanding, Young Scientists

In the frame of the ceremony, Professor Thomas Hoffmeister, vice present academic at the University of Bremen, and Peter Laffin, Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation project manager, handed out the Dr. Hans Riegel Awards. “For the third time now, we are very pleased to honor promising young talent together with the Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation. We are not only expressing our appreciation with the prizes but are also supporting the young people at an early stage of their career. We would be happy to welcome many of the award winners as students,” said Hoffmeister.

Beginning of Sustainable Research

Laffin furthers: “With the Dr. Hans Riegel Awards, we find and support talent that will be needed by Germany in the future as well-educated professionals. The eponymous foundation accompanies young people on their path to a natural sciences degree or a technical career. Winning this award is the beginning of long-term, sustainable support of young STEM talents by the Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation. We are pleased that we are awarding the Dr. Hans Riegel Awards once more together with the University of Bremen and will continue to do so in the future. Many thanks to all those involved.”

Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation and Its Awards

The foundation belonging to the former HARIBO co-owner Dr. Hans Riegel is especially active in the support of education – with an aim of helping young people to design their own future. The Dr. Hans Riegel Awards are endowed as follows: first place receives 600 euros, second place receives 400 euros, and the third place receives 200 euros. Moreover, the schools of the first place prize winners receive a non-cash prize of around 250 euros as a recognition of the teaching staff supervision of the pupil’s papers. The prizes are awarded in cooperation with 14 German universities. Depending on the university, papers on natural sciences, computer sciences, and mathematics can be submitted. As only outstanding papers are honored, it may sometimes be the case that prizes are not awarded in all of the three advertised categories and not for all three places.

Further Information:

Information on the individual winners and their work can be found here (in German only):



Isabell Harder
University-School Transfer Coordinator
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60393
Email: isabell.harderprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Peter Laffin
Dr. Hans Riegel Awards Project Manager
Phone: +49 228 22744715
Email: peter.laffinprotect me ?!hans-riegel-stiftungprotect me ?!.com

Professor Thomas Hoffmeister (center), vice president academic at the University of Bremen, presents two winners with their certificates. Alara Günel (left) and Gritje Behrens (right) received the first place Dr. Hans Riegel Award in chemistry.


Professor Hoffmeister überreicht Preise an zwei Schülerinnen
Professor Thomas Hoffmeister (center), vice president academic at the University of Bremen, presents two winners with their certificates. Alara Günel (left) and Gritje Behrens (right) received the first place Dr. Hans Riegel Award in chemistry.